- Deepand Serene 幽邃
- It was a beautiful morning, calm and serene. 那是一个宁静、明媚的早晨。
- His serene smile calmed all of us down. 他脸上安详的微笑使我们都冷静下来。
- The story took place in a serene summer night. 故事发生在一个宁静的夏夜。
- He was gazing at the serene sky. 他凝视着晴空。
- Charmingly simple and serene; idyllic. 恬静的宜人和宁静的; 田园式的
- She abandoned herself to the serene landscape. 她沉浸在景色的宁静之中。
- The moon was above, lustrous and serene. 天上的月亮皎洁肃穆。
- Her Serene Highness; His Serene Highness. 公主殿下;殿下
- The days were peaceful and serene. 白天宁谧而安静。
- Joyous, serene, and totally uncontrived. 喜悦、安详且完全的无有造作。
- A serene smile appeared on his face. 他的脸上露出了一个慰藉的微笑。
- The wet open country was fresh and serene. 雨中的原野新鲜而又幽静,使人不易忘怀!
- The child's face was serene and beautiful. 孩子的神情宁静可爱。
- It's so quiet here- - so peaceful and serene. 这儿又这么安静止--如此地平静安宁。
- Moon- Serene power over mundane actions. 月亮-种超越世俗的,纯洁不可动摇的力量。
- His serene sleeping face is as pure as a baby. 他平静安详的睡脸宛若婴儿一般纯真。
- I have forever been sincere and serene. 我总是严肃且认真。
- Raised my head and found a piece of serene sky. 抬头,一片宁静。
- When she was serene she skimmed like a swallow. 她沉静的时候,就像一只轻掠迅飞的燕子。