- EVS Implantation in the Treatment of Primary Deep Venous Insufficiency. EVS植入术治疗原发性下肢深静脉瓣膜功能不全。
- Of them, 324 cases(422limbs) were simple GSV varicosis, and 96 cases(103 limbs) coexistented primary deep venous insufficiency(PDVI) of lower limbs. 其中单纯性大隐静脉曲张324例(422条肢体),下肢深静脉瓣膜功能不全96例(103条肢体)。
- Objective To evaluate therapeutic effect of external valve support(EVS) implantation in the treatment of primary deep venous insufficiency(PDVI). 目的评估静脉瓣膜外支撑环(EVS)植入术治疗原发性下肢深静脉瓣膜功能不全的疗效和应用价值。
- Objective This work aimed at study the rel ationship between the pathologicomorphological change of gastrocneminus muscle cells and deep venous insufficiency (DVI). 目的 探讨腓 肠肌细胞细胞病理形态学与原发性深静脉瓣膜功能不全(DVI)关系。
- Objective To investigate the diagnostic value of color doppler velocity profile(CDVP) technique for the deep venous insufficiency(DVI) of in the lower limb. 目的 探讨彩色多普勒流速剖面图技术在下肢深静脉瓣膜功能不全的诊断价值。
- Of them, 324 cases (422 limbs) were simple GSV varicosis, and 96 cases (103 limbs) coexistented primary deep venous insufficiency (PDVI) of lower limbs. 其中单纯性大隐静脉曲张324例(422条肢体),下肢深静脉瓣膜功能不全96例(103条肢体)。
- Conclusions: Extra-vascula prosthesis operation has the advantages of tiny trauma, few omplications and affirmative effect in treatment of deep venous insufficiency of the lower limb. 结论:股浅静脉瓣膜腔外修复术治疗下肢深静脉瓣膜功能不全具有手术创伤小、并发症少、疗效确切的特点。
- Primary deep venous insufficiency 下肢深静脉瓣膜功能不全
- Color Doppler Velocity Profile Technique for the Deep Venous Insufficiency of Lower Limb 下肢深静脉瓣膜功能不全的彩色多普勒流速剖面图技术
- Study of color Doppler ultrasonography in evaluating severity of deep venous insufficiency of lower extremities 原发性下肢深静脉功能不全反流程度的彩色多普勒超声研究
- Evaluation of Encircling Constriction of Superficial Femoral Vein in Treatment of Primary Deep Venous Insufficiency 股浅静脉瓣膜环形缩窄术治疗原发性下肢深静脉瓣膜功能不全的疗效分析
- Evaluation of encircling constriction of superficial femoral vein in the treatment of primary deep venous insufficiency 应用股浅静脉瓣膜环形缩窄术治疗原发性下肢深静脉瓣膜功能不全的疗效评价
- The surgical treatment of varicose veins of lower extremity with primary deep venous insufficiency 下肢静脉曲张伴原发性深静脉瓣膜功能不全手术方法的探讨
- Clinical application of substitute valve operation in refluent deep venous insufficiency and popliteal vein entrapment syndrome of legs 腘静脉外肌袢形成术在倒流性下肢深静脉机能不全及伴有腘静脉陷迫症时的临床应用
- Effect of apoptosis in the pathogenesis of the great saphenous varicose resulting from primary deep venous insufficiency 细胞凋亡在原发性下肢深静脉功能不全的大隐静脉曲张发病中的作用
- Deep venous insufficiency 下肢深静脉瓣功能不全
- The evaluation for the therapeutic effect and the clinical practicability of encircling constriction of superficial femoral vein in the treatment of primary deep venous insufficiency 股浅静脉瓣膜环形缩窄术治疗原发性下肢深静脉瓣膜功能不全疗效评价
- Methods From August,2001 to Feburary,2003,26 cases of primary deep venous valve insufficiency of lower extremities were treated with subfascial endoscopic perforating veins ablation and sclerotherapy. 方法我们于2001年8月至2003年2月开展了腔镜下行下肢深浅静脉交通支结扎+浅静脉硬化剂法治疗原发性下肢静脉瓣膜功能不全26例。
- Differentiate between superficial and deep venous thrombosis. 区分浅层或深层静脉栓之差.
- Objective To evaluate life quality and operative efficacy of chronic venous insufficiency (CVI). 目的评估下肢慢性静脉功能不全(CVI)术后的生活质量和手术效果。