- In the period that Nietzsche was writing, the death of God was just beginning. 在尼采创作的那个时期,上帝之死刚刚开始。
- By the grace of God, we have been saved from death. 谢谢上帝的慈悲,我们得救了。
- Allright...how about call you"Anubis"?He is death of god from Egypt,and he is a wolf. 好吧...那叫你"阿努比斯"如何?他是埃及死神,而且他是只胡狼。
- In Hegel's death philosophy, the "death of God" is accompanied by the "death of man". 与此同时,在黑格尔的“死亡哲学”那里,“上帝之死”亦同时伴随着“人之死”。
- An offer terminate on the death of the offeror. 当发价人死亡,发价即被终止。
- Nietzsche's declaration of the death of God and Iser's appeal structure of text paves the way for a new theory of understanding literary text. 尼采的“上帝死了”的口号以及伊瑟尔的“文本的召唤结构”为人们寻找文本理解的理论提供一条出路。
- In his book, The Death of God, Gabriel Vahanian of Syracuse University suggests that actually it was the beginning of the divine demise. 启蒙运动的政治理论家们证明法律和政府并不是按神的旨意创造的机构,而是人类自己建立的。
- Although sorcery had turned them into unbelievers, after the death of their firstborn they acknowledged that your people were the children of God. 那些操行邪术,什麽也不相信的人,因著长子的丧亡,才承认这民族是天主的儿子。
- He was badly cut up by the death of his son. 他因儿子死了极为悲伤。
- The unbelief of God is our principle. 不信仰上帝是我们的原则。
- She was in tears over the death of her puppy. 她因小狗死去而哭泣。
- That defeat meant the death of all my hopes. 那次失败毁灭了我所有的希望。
- Don't complain of anybody. This is an act of God. 不要抱怨任何人,这是天意。
- He deeply lamented the death of his wife. 他对妻子的去世深感悲痛。
- He blasphemed against the name of God. 他亵渎了神的名字。
- The film ends with the death of the heroine. 这部电影以女主角的死告终。
- That motorbike will be the death of you. 那辆摩托车就会要了你的命。
- The heavens declare the glory of God. 天空象徵上帝的荣耀。
- Before Nietzsche's announcement of the "death of God" and Foucault's announcement of the "death of man", Hegel actually announced the death of the transcendental Cod. 摘要在尼采宣称“上帝之死”以及福柯欢呼“人之死”之前,黑格尔其实已经宣告了超验的、彼岸的老上帝的死亡。
- Jack run the street after the death of his parents. 杰克在他父母死后成了流浪儿。