- The Titanic and all her crew were in Davy Jones's locker. 泰坦尼克号及其全体船员均都葬身鱼腹。
- Graveryard:Here be Davy Jone's Locker! 墓地:在海战中光荣牺牲的人的最终归宿。
- Davy Jones: Are you prepared for what's next? 戴维·斯:你准备好做下一个了吗?
- Davy Jones: Are you prepared for what\'s next? 戴维.;琼斯:你准备好做下一个了吗?
- The ship and all her crew went to Davy Jones's locker. 该船及其全部水手都沉到海底去了。
- Their ship was sent to Davy Jones's locker, ie was sunk. 他们的轮船去见龙王爷了(沉没了).
- He was a fine seaman, but ended up in Davy Jones' locker. 他是一名好水手,但是最后竟葬身海底了。
- The Titanic and all her crewwere in Davy Jones's locker. 泰坦尼克号及其全体船员均都葬身鱼腹。
- Their ship was sent to Davy Jones's locker,ie was sunk. 他们的轮船去见龙王爷了(沉没了)。
- He was a fine seaman, but ended up in Davy Jones ' locker. 他是一名好水手,但是最后竟葬身海底了。
- Smart money says the plot will revolve around Calypso, the Goddess of the Sea whom Davy Jones falls in love with. 消息灵通人士则声称电影情节将主要围绕海上女神卡吕普索展开,戴维·斯会爱上她。
- If you won't, my name is Alexander Smollett, I've flown my sovereign's colours, and I'll see you all to Davy Jones. 如果你们不愿意,那么我,亚力山大 - 斯摩莱特,既然已经升起了英国国旗,就一定要让你们通通去见海龙王。
- Face off with enemy vessels in Ship-to-Ship Battles, test yer swordsmanship against British troops and slay Davy Jone's dreaded Kraken sea monster! 你将面对一对一的海战,考验你的剑术,与英国海军比拼,遭遇的恐怖的海怪袭击。
- Will the friends defeat Sao Feng and Davy Jones? Will they be able to navigate their way to a happy ending? Just join them to find out. 朋友们能打败邵峰和邪恶的琼斯吗?他们能有一个很好的结局吗?加入他们寻找答案吧。
- And you're the last above board of that same meddling crew; and you have the Davy Jones's insolence to up and stand for cap'n over me - you, that sank the lot of us! 在这几个惹是生非的家伙当中,只有你还没有去见海龙王,而你现在却蛮横无礼地跳出来,想取代我当船长。 就是你们几个坏了我们的大事!
- Face off with enemy vessels in Ship-to-Ship Battles, test yer swordsmanship against British troops and slay Davy Jone' s dreaded Kraken sea monster! 你将面对一对一的海战,考验你的剑术,与英国海军比拼,遭遇的恐怖的海怪袭击。
- The researchers say the worms may represent a sort of Davy Jones's dandelion, casting offspring on the ocean currents to await the next whale that goes belly up. 研究人员说这种管虫,就像海底深处的蒲公英,把子代散播到海流里,静静等待下一只鲸鱼的死去。
- If this were to happen in the deep sea, the carbon absorbed by the plankton through photosynthesis would descend to Davy Jones’s locker for several hundred years. 如果这以前就发生在深海里,那么被浮游生物通过光合作用吸收的碳传到海神的保管员手里已经几百年了。
- Davy Jones: Do you feel dead? 戴维·琼斯:你感觉到死亡了吗?
- In the conclusion to the Pirates of the Caribbean trilogy, the heroes must face a powerful alliance formed by Lord Cutler Beckett( Tom Hollander), Davy Jones( Bill Nighy), and Admiral James Norrington( Jack Davenport). 为救积克船长,二人便跟随保沙船长(菲路殊饰)赴东方海洋,岂料遇上臭名远播的中国海盗啸风船长(润发饰)双方展开生死决战。