- Yes. We got more money than Davy Crockett. 对,我们挣了一大堆钱。
- Some people say Davy Crockett was the @King of the Wild Frontier. 有些人说大卫?克洛基是“蛮荒边境之王”。
- Davy Crockett was born on August 17th, 1786 in eastern Tennessee. 大卫?克洛基在一七八六年八月十七日出生于田纳西州东部。
- The real Davy Crockett made mistakes and had serious personal problems. 真实生活中的大卫.克罗竟然会犯错,也曾有严重的个人问题。
- If you stand before the monument, perhaps you'll remember the name of Davy Crockett. 如果你站在这座纪念碑面前,也许你会记得大卫?克洛基的名字。
- In the battle, Davy Crockett was killed while he was defending a fort within the town of San Antonio in Texas. 在这次战役中,大卫?克洛基在德州圣安东尼奥市保卫一座堡垒时阵亡。
- What a lucky day! My cap had a star. I was two caps away from sending for my very own Davy Crockett hat. 真走运!我的瓶盖上有颗星。我再有两个这样的瓶盖,就能寄去换顶归我自己的戴维·克罗克特帽子了。
- What a lucky day! My cap.had a star. I was two cap. away from sending for my very own Davy Crockett hat. 真走运!我的瓶盖上有颗星。我再有两个这样的瓶盖,就能寄去换顶归我自己的戴维·克罗克特帽子了。
- Davy Crockett shaking hands with Daniel Boone symbolizes how we need to put aside our differences. 大卫 克洛科特和丹尼尔 布恩握手象征我们应抛开成见。
- The Texas force of about 180, led by Jim Bowie and including Davy Crockett as well as women and Mexicans, was overrun;all were killed. 德克萨斯守军只有约一百八十人,由鲍伊领导,包括克罗克特,还有一些妇女和墨西哥人,最后终究寡不敌众,全数被歼灭。
- Davy Crockett was among them. 大卫?克洛基也在其中,
- Do you know Davy Crockett? 你知道大卫?克洛基这个人吗?
- Where's my Davy Crockett hat? 我的大卫克罗基特帽子在哪?
- Davy Crockett was a real person in American history, 大卫?克洛基是美国历史上的一个真实人物,
- Davy knocked twenty runs up in less than half an hour. 戴维不到半小时就得了二十分。
- I think it's time I give this marvelous new toy a try. (he aims the Davy Crockett) 我想是时候试试这个神奇的新玩具了。(他瞄准了远处的研究所)
- The Titanic and all her crew were in Davy Jones's locker. 泰坦尼克号及其全体船员均都葬身鱼腹。
- Ray Crockett, a spokesman for Coca-Cola Co. 可口可乐公司的发言人雷。
- F: Yes, sir. We got more money than Davy Crocket. 福:是的,先生。我们赚了许多钱。比戴维?克罗克特还富。
- Yes, sir. We got more money than Davy Crocket. 福:是的,先生。我们赚了许多钱。比戴维?克罗克特还富。