- The whole world emulates Athens and Rome (David Hume). 全世界都仿效雅典和罗马(大卫 休谟)
- "The whole world emulates Athens and Rome" (David Hume). “全世界都仿效雅典和罗马 (大卫·休谟)
- The problem of the rationality of inducing was firstraised by David Hume. 归纳合理性问题最初是由休谟提出的。
- Empiricist philosophy (David Hume) does not allow for this argument. 实验主义的哲学(休谟)不许可这种论证。
- Of these intellectuals the least sociological was David Hume but his influen ce on Smith and Ferguson was crucial. 在这批学者中,同社会学关涉最少的是大卫·休谟,但他对斯密和弗格森的影响却极大。
- Mere reason is insufficient to convince us of its [ the Christian religion's ] veracity (David Hume). 仅仅是理性还不足以使我们信服它的真实性}(大卫 休漠)。
- "Mere reason is insufficient to convince us of its [the Christian religion's] veracity" (David Hume). “仅仅是理性还不足以使我们信服它的真实性”(大卫·休漠)。
- Of these intellectuals the least sociological was David Hume but his influence on Smith and Ferguson was crucial. 在这批学者中,同社会学关涉最少的是大卫·休谟,但他对斯密和弗格森的影响却极大。
- Euclid and Shelley, Edmund Spenser and Herbert Spencer, King David Hume, are all followers of the art.of letters. 事实上,不论欧几里德与雪莱,魂德蒙·斯宾塞与赫伯特·斯宾塞,大卫王与大卫·休漠,他们都是语言文字这门艺术的追逐者。
- Euclid and Shelley, Edmund Spenser and Herbert Spencer, King David Hume, are all followers of the art of letters. 事实上,不论欧几里德与雪莱,魂德蒙·斯宾塞与赫伯特·斯宾塞,大卫王与大卫·休漠,他们都是语言文字这门艺术的追逐者。
- The issue of the rationality of inductive inference was raised by David Hume at first. 归纳合理性问题最初是由休谟提出的。
- David Hume is one of the famous thinkers of the Scotland Enlightenment in the 18th century. 休谟是西方近代政治思想史上非常重要但却长期被国内学界忽视的人物。
- Many serious people (such as the 18th century Scottish philosopher David Hume) view scientifically unanswerable questions of this sort as uninteresting. 许多严肃的人们(比如18世纪苏格兰的哲学家大卫.;休谟)就从科学的角度把此类无法回答的问题看作是令人不感兴趣的。
- If forced to choose between two vices, luxury and sloth, David Hume would have preferred luxury, because to banish it without curing sloth would only diminish industry. 如果被迫在奢侈和懒惰两害中取其一,大卫·休谟会选择奢侈,因为禁止奢侈而不消除懒惰,只会减少勤奋。
- David Hume suggested that "the amusements, which are the most durable, have all a mixture of application and attention in them; such as gaming and hunting. 大卫?休谟暗示“那些最为持久的娱乐活动,比如游戏和打猎,其中包含了努力和专注的结合”。
- British author John David Hume has suggested that the creature might be a skink, a variety of lizard whose nondescript head is hard to distinguish from its tail. 英国作家JohnDavidHume暗示那个动物可能只是蜥蜴,有很多中蜥蜴都有着不明显的头部,很难与尾巴区分。
- In particularnagarjuna attacks our most fundamental concepts, such as causality, in ways similar to the methods that will be employed by the great modern skeptic david hume. 龙树菩萨尤其指责人们最根本的信念,诸如因果律---此论为后世怀疑论者之雄大卫休谟所倚仗。
- Under the influence of Shaftsbury, other British empirical estheticians, such as Francis Hutcheson, Joseph Addison, David Hume, Edmund Burke, proposed aesthetic disinterestedness in succession. 这一思想最早由夏夫兹博里提出,哈奇生、艾迪生、休谟、伯克等人继承了审美无关利害的思想。
- Most philosophers since David Hume have held that the laws of nature are metaphysically contingent--that there could have been different natural laws than the ones that actually obtain. 对一个陈述来说,如果它能不含逻辑矛盾地成立,则称该陈述是逻辑可能的。
- Having been questioned by David Hume's "inductive issues" and attacked by Sir Karl Popper's anti-induction, the classic induction theory gradually declined from its height and splendor. 经过休谟“归纳问题”的诘难和波普尔反归纳主义的冲击,经典归纳主义从兴盛逐渐走向衰落,与这一过程相伴随的则是人们对归纳法职能的看法发生了显著的变化。