- Data service log system 数据业务
- A system and a method for providing a voice and/or data service and comprising following content are presented. 介绍了包括如下内容的用于提供话音和/或数据业务的一种系统和方法。
- This system is according to B/S model,and extensive adopted the ActiveX,DHTML with the appropriative data service technique. 文中的系统基于 B/ S模式 ,且广泛采用了 Active X、DHTML和专用数据服务技术。
- The earthquake events database system of China Digital Seismograph Network (CDSN) is a software system for data service. 中国数字地震台网(CDSN)地震事件数据库系统是一个数据服务软件系统。
- As a kind of fixed BWA system,IEEE 802.16d promises to provide the peak data rate of 70Mbps in order to deploy integrated data service with different QoS. 作为一种固定宽带无线接入系统;IEEE 802.;16d可以提供高达70Mbps的峰值传输速率以支持不同QoS类型的综合数据业务的部署。
- The Occurrence Log System has eliminated the need for keeping hard copies of these records. 设立事故记录系统后,谘询小组再无须以硬本形式备存记录册。
- The network (air) interface between a Mobile End System (M-ES) and the Cellular Digital Packet Data (CDPD)-based wireless packet data service provider network. 移动终端系统(M-ES)和基于蜂窝数字分组数据(CDPD)之间的网络(空中)接口,基于无线分组数据业务提供商网络。
- ISDN is the only mass-deployed, high-speed data service available today. ISDN是今天能获得的唯一大量部署的高速数据业务。
- Log system is used in the big system to record all kinds of status information in running time. 日志系统伴随着大型系统产生,用来记录系统运行时的状态等各方面信息。
- WTC Enhancement of DDL V Production Logging System. DDL-V WTC仪的改进
- ISDN is the only mass-deployed,high-speed data service available today. ISDN是今天能获得的唯一大量部署的高速数据业务。
- The Log-IQ imaging logging system integrates and improves conventional logging and imaging logging,thus enhanceing the quality of log data as well as thin beds resolution. Log-IQ成像测井系统综合了常规测井项目和成像测井项目,对常规测井项目和成像测井项目进行了改进,提高了测井资料的质量。
- Record and log system activity over time by using Performance Logs and Alerts. 通过使用性能日志和警报记录随着时间推移的系统活动。
- The system improves the repetition of program,controls the complication of time in a proper range,and decreases the fund an enterprise invested in developing log system. 通过这个系统,提高了程序的复用性,并使时间复杂度控制在合理范围内,极大地减少了企业在日志系统方面的开发投入。
- The Application log in Windows Event Viewer contains the Integration Services log information. Windows事件查看器中的应用程序日志包含Integration Services日志信息。
- Allows packages to be saved to Meta Data Services (the Repository). 允许将包保存到元数据服务(存储库)。
- Compared to the 2.4 Mbps peak data rate on the forward link and 153.6kbps peak data rate on the reverse link of cdma2000 lx EV-DO Rel O system, it can be much better to satisfy the high rate packet data service. 与 cdma2000 1x EV-DO Rel 0支持的前、反向峰值速率分别为2.;4Mbps和153
- Field Interpretation System for HCS-87 Computerized Logging System. HCS-87数控测井仪的井场解释系统
- There are two ways to get the data service profile on your phone. Manual configuration is probably faster and better. 在手机上设置数据连接有两种方式。手动配置通常又快又好。
- We need to know what will happen to the data later in the workflow in order to tell the data service what to do. 为了告诉数据服务进行什么操作,我们需要知道整个任务流中后面的步骤中发生什么操作。