- DWG to IMAGE Converter MX 图象转换
- DWG to IMAGE Converter Command Line 1.1 2008-5-27 -1 是一个易于使用的最终用户向导,创建或操纵图像格式的文件,
- Convert DWG to images - BMP, GIF, PNG, TIF, or JPG. 将描图转换为图象 - BMP、GIF、PNG、TIF,或 JPG。
- DWG to SVG Converter MX is a DWG to SVG conversion tool, you can use it to convert DWG to SVG, DXF to SVG, DWF to SVG file without AutoCAD. dwg档到SVG的转换器的MX是一个dwg档到SVG的转换工具,您可以用它来转换dwg档,以SVG的, DXF格式,以SVG的, [下载到SVG的文件而不AutoCAD的。
- DWG to WMF Converter MX is a DWG to WMF conversion tool, you can use it to convert DWG to WMF, DXF to WMF, DWF to WMF file without AutoCAD. dwg档到的WMF转换的MX是一个以dwg档的WMF转换工具,您可以用它来转换到dwg档的WMF , DXF格式的WMF到, [下载到的WMF文件, AutoCAD的。
- DWG to TIFF Converter Command Line 1.1 ... 以TIFF文件转换器是一种易于使用的最终用户向导,...
- Go to image >Adjustments >Variations, select cold and dark colors. 转到图像“调整”的变化,选择寒冷和黑暗的颜色。
- AutoDWG DWG to PDF Converter let you batch convert DWG TO PDF, DXF TO PDF without need of AutoCAD. autodwg dwg档到PDF转换,让您一批dwg档转换为PDF , DXF文件到PDF而不需要AutoCAD的。
- AutoCAD DWG to DWF is a batch converter that allows you to convert DWG to DWF, DXF to DWF without the need of AutoCAD. AutoCAD的dwg档,以[下载是一批转换,使您可以转换dwg档,以[下载, DXF格式,以[下载,而不需要AutoCAD的。
- DWG to JPG Converter is a batch converter that allows you to convert DWG and DXF files to TIF (TIFF), JPG (JPEG), BMP, GIF, PNG, TGA, PCX, WMF and EMF without the need of AutoCAD. dwg档,以JPG格式转换器是一批转换,使您可以转换dwg档和DXF文件,以tif ( TIFF文件) , JPG格式( JPEG格式的) , BMP , GIF和PNG等的TGA , pcx ,有WMF和EMF ,而不需要AutoCAD的。
- GRAIN: Add grains to images or not. 要在影像中加上或不加上微粒。
- AutoCAD DWG to JPG is a batch converter that allows you to convert DWG and DXF files to TIF (TIFF), JPG (JPEG), BMP, GIF, PNG, TGA, PCX, WMF and EMF without the need of AutoCAD. AutoCAD的dwg档,以JPG是一种批处理转换,使您可以转换dwg档和DXF文件,以tif ( TIFF文件) , JPG格式( JPEG格式的) , BMP , GIF和PNG等的TGA , pcx ,有WMF和EMF ,而不需要AutoCAD的。
- An ActiveX Control named DWG2ImageX aslo available now let you convert dwg to jpg, dwg to tif, bmp, gif, etc. by programming. ActiveX控制项名为dwg2imagex还有现在让你转换dwg档,以JPG格式, dwg档,以tif , BMP ,以及gif等编程。
- An image of the object is projected by the objective lens on to the photocathode of an image convert tube. 物象通过物镜投影在变象管的光阴极上。
- Partial or inexact application of image filter '%1' to image. 对图像遇到了不完整或不精确的图像筛选器“%251”的应用程序。
- This paper introduces the working principle and the compsition of the image convert system for CR,DR and DDR. 本文介绍了CR、DR、DDR影像转换器的结构和原理。
- No pages link to Image: Flag of the Republic of China. Svg. 没有页面链接到Image:Flag of the Republic of China.;svg。
- DWG to JPG Converter Pro is a batch converter that allows you to convert DWG and DXF files to TIF (TIFF), JPG (JPEG), BMP, GIF, PNG, TGA, PCX, WMF and EMF without the need of AutoCAD. dwg档,以JPG格式转换Pro是一批转换,使您可以转换dwg档和DXF文件,以tif ( TIFF文件) , JPG格式( JPEG格式的) , BMP , GIF和PNG等的TGA , pcx ,有WMF和EMF ,而不需要AutoCAD的。
- Now go to image>adjustments>desaturate, to grayscale your photo. 图像-调整-去色,调灰图片的颜色;
- Support converting local HTML, MHT, TXT files to image. 支持转换为本地HTML , mht , txt文件,以形象。