- To dispel wind and to relieve pain. 疏风止痛。
- To take tiger-Bone liquor can dispel wind and relieve pain. 虎骨酒,散风止痛。
- Please put on this plaster, which can dispel wind and relieve pain. 请贴这种药膏,它能散风止痛。
- To induce diaphoresis, to dispel wind and remove damp. 发汗解表,散风祛湿。
- FMP tends to dispel wind and cold, and its peculiarity is dispelling pathogenic heat of the lung and opens the aperture. 小青龙汤与辛夷散皆以辛温发散之药为主,均可治疗寒饮停肺,复感风寒之证,常被用于寒性鼻鼽。
- The key to the treatment of all kinds of rheumatism is to dispel wind and remove dampness from the Body. 各种风湿病的治疗关键是祛风散寒。
- To replenish qi and dispel wind, to invigorate the function of the spleen and cause diuresis. 益气祛风,健脾利水。
- Dispelling wind and activating meridian is the important treatment principle of ischemic windstroke,sometime we use relieving liver Qi stanat... 补肾培元,化痰祛瘀,散风通络应为缺血性中风恢复期的重要治法,此外疏肝行气亦应予以重视。
- The betel pepper can promote the circulation of qi and reduce phlegm, as well as dispel wind and expel cold. 蒟酱可以行气化痰、祛风散寒。
- Conclusion Therapy of dispelling wind, cooling blood and tonifying kidney exerts a certain effect for refractory idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura. 以祛风凉血补肾法治疗难治性ITP,疗效满意,值得进一步推广应用。
- The treatment aims to dispel wind and unblock orifices,as well as supplement healthy qi. 治疗则以疏风通窍,扶正固本。
- Results: Saposhnikovia divaricata had an obvious effect of dispelling wind, and was an effective antispastic and antidiarrhoeal.It was widely applied in clinical practice. 结果:中药防风具有良好的解表祛风,止痉止泻作用,在临床应用治疗风邪所致的面瘫、眼疾及肝郁脾虚之泄泻有良好的效果。
- A method on Upper Respiratory Tract Virosis Infection disease and fever of Wind-Hot is dispelling wind relieving the exterior and eliminating pathogens from exterior. 本课题以上呼吸道病毒感染性发热风热证为研究重点,确立疏邪解表、透热外达为基本治法。
- Efficacy: To induce diaphoresis, to dispel wind and remove damp.--Action: Exogenous attack, wind-cold and pathogenic dampness.It is used for ague,... 功效:发汗解表,散风祛湿-- 主治:外感风寒湿邪,以及时疫疟疾、痢疾、疮疡具有风寒湿表证者。
- Efficacy: To induce diaphoresis, to dispel wind and remove damp.--Action: Exogenous attack, wind-cold and pathogenic dampness.It is used for ague, diarrhea and ulcer. 功效:发汗解表,散风祛湿-- 主治:外感风寒湿邪,以及时疫疟疾、痢疾、疮疡具有风寒湿表证者。
- Astilbe mainly contains coumarin,flavonoids,sterols and acidic component,with the effects of eliminating stasis to stop pain,dispelling wind to eliminate dampness,relieving cough by cooling etc. 落新妇属植物主要含香豆素、黄酮类、甾醇类、酸性成分等,药理作用表明有散瘀止痛、祛风除湿、清热止咳等作用。
- Astilbe mainly contains coumarin, flavonoids, sterols and acidic component, with the effects of eliminating stasis to stop pain, dispelling wind to eliminate dampness, relieving cough by cooling etc. 落新妇属植物主要含香豆素、黄酮类、甾醇类、酸性成分等,药理作用表明有散瘀止痛、祛风除湿、清热止咳等作用。
- Traditionally it was said to have effects on dispelling wind and cold, stretching bones and muscles, promoting venation, releasing ecchymosis and eliminating bump, alleviating pains. 根或全株药用(生药名十八症),有祛风散寒、舒筋活络、消瘀散肿、镇痛之功效,可用于胃寒、经痛、闭经、风湿骨痛、跌打损伤。
- The wind was whispering in the trees. 一阵风穿过树林沙沙作响。