- Delta Force: Black Hawk Down Team Sabre 三角洲部队:黑鹰计划军刀小队
- DELTA FORCE - TEAM SABRE 三角洲特种部队黑鹰坠落之-军刀部队
- Welcome to Delta Force Squad Alliance Of China! 中国三角洲同盟欢迎您的到来!
- Combat Knife added to Grunt, Delta Force, Marksman and Force Recon. 为步枪兵,三角洲特种部队,狙击手和武装侦察兵增加了战斗刀技能。
- A battle starts between Delta Force and AFA.In the melee, some vials are lost. 此时,病毒专家狄普上尉正乘机带病毒回美国。
- A few days later, Nadi also earned gold medals in the individual and team sabre for a record five fencing medals at the same Games. 1920年奥运会后,纳迪转行成为一名职业击剑选手,并在南美开始击剑教练生涯,他后来还被选为意大利击剑联合会的主席。纳迪随后参加了第一次世界大战,并成为战场上的英雄被意大利政府表彰。
- Alternate Delta Force chapter added. This will be fully developed in the next patch. 增加了三角洲特种部队的章节。这个章节将会在今后的几个版本中逐渐完善。
- Delta Force, Force Recon and ALO selection tooltip typos and inaccuracies corrected. 修正三角洲特种部队,武装侦察兵,以及爆破手等职业的说明文字中的错误。
- The Delta Force finds the research complex a disastrous area where the AFA has left no survivors except Major Tipton. 于激烈缉捕行动中,研究中心变成一片废墟,无一生还和部份病毒不知所踪。
- On Christmas Eve, JT works in Special Ops on a humanitarian relief mission to aid an Afghani village that assisted the Delta force several years ago. 普天同庆的圣诞前夕,国防部未因此而松懈。戴占忙于指挥在阿富汗的特种部队,协助当地一个受制于塔利班威胁的人道组织。
- Later in the Games, he and his Italian teammates finished second to the Hungarians in the team sabre and then Gaudini closed out his Olympic career by placing sixth in the individual sabre event. 随后,他和他队友在佩剑团体比赛中不敌匈牙利,夺取银牌,高迪尼随后又夺在佩剑个人项目名列第六。
- Set in the north-west region of Central America (near future in Colombia &Venezuela) “Delta Force: Angel Falls” takes the player to the rural, sparsely populated, jungle areas of this exotic locale. 设置在西北地区中美洲(不久的将来在哥伦比亚和委内瑞拉)“三角洲部队:天使瀑布”的队员需要在农村,人烟稀少,丛林地区的这种奇特的地区。
- Men rs Team Sabre Medal Ceremony 男子佩剑团体赛颁奖仪式
- Men rs Fencing Team Sabre Semifinal 佩剑男子团体半决赛
- Men rs Team Sabre Classification 男子佩剑团体排名赛
- Fencing Team Sabre Medal Ceremony 佩剑团体颁奖仪式
- Men rs Team Sabre Medal Matches Gold Medal Match 男子佩剑团体决赛
- Men rs Fencing Team Sabre Medal Ceremony 佩剑男子团体颁奖仪式
- DFchina. Net - The Chinese World of Delta Force 三角洲特种部队中文网