- Cymbidium lancifoliumn. 兔耳兰
- Abstract Hybridization among Cymbidium sinense, C. ensifolium, C. aloifolium, C. lancifolium and hybrid Cymbidium were carried out. 摘要 进行了大花蕙兰、墨兰、建兰、纹瓣兰、兔耳兰等兰属植物的种间远缘杂交实验。
- Appreciate the Korean Orchid - Cymbidium Kanran. 韩国寒兰与其它兰花欣赏。
- L. lancifolium was close to lilium Asiatic hybrids. 卷丹成为独立的一组,首先与亚洲百合聚合,然后与其它种聚合。
- Cymbidium sinense (Andr.) Willd. 墨兰
- The little cymbidium, my little cymbidium has been broken. 那株小小的兰花,我的小兰花,被踩断了。
- Tissue culture and rapid propagation of Lilium lancifolium Thunb. 宜兴百合的组织培养和快速繁殖。
- The little, fragile cymbidium, in his large, harsh hand. 小小的,柔弱的兰花,躺在他宽大的,粗糙的手掌中。
- I raised my hand to him, my little cymbidium lying in my hand. 我高高举起我的手,把我的小兰花送到他的面前。
- I thought you would have seen the flower of the Cymbidium Kanran Mak. 我以为你会看到这寒兰开花的。
- If cymbidium is pregnant, we should keep it a little bit wet but not too wet. 春兰孕蕾期,宜保持湿润,但也不能过湿。
- Study on Karyotypes of L. Leichtlinii var. Maximowiczii Baker. And L. Lancifolium Thunb. 大花卷丹和卷丹的核型研究。
- Objective To compare the effect of different position extracts from Lilium lancifolium. 目的比较百合不同提取部位的药理活性。
- Amazing! A man from that holy place, will say sorry to a little girl, just for breaking a cymbidium! 我大吃一惊。他,来自那个神圣的地方的他,竟然会对一个小女孩说对不起,只不过是因为踩断了一朵兰花!
- Ultra-structure of Symbiosis Mycorrhizal Between Cymbidium goeringii and Rhizoctonia sp. 春兰与丝核菌共生菌根及结构研究。
- On that day, which I will never forget in my whole life, I am watching a cymbidium, she shakes in the wind, and all in the tender mercy of the heaven. 那一天,我这一生都不会忘记,我注视着一朵兰花,她在风中微微摇晃,她的一切都在天主的手中。
- Only a few Cymbidium species are commonly grown in nurseries, due to the popularity of hybrids. 因为兰花杂交流行的缘故,只有一小部分的兰属植物在苗圃中培育。
- An eastern Asian perennial (Lilium lancifolium) having large black-spotted reddish-orange flowers with reflexed petals and purplish bulbils in the leaf axils. 卷丹,麻点百合:一种生长在亚洲东部的多年生植物(卷丹百合属),长有桔红色且有黑色斑点的大花,花瓣反折,叶轴上有紫色的珠芽
- He dismounts the horse whose hoofs has trampled on my little cymbidium and turns to me. 他下了马,就是那匹马,它的蹄践踏了我的小兰花。
- It is likely that C. lancifolium attracted the bee by the purplish chestnut spots on the labellum (false nectar guides) exploiting the foraging preference of bees. 在传粉过程中兔耳兰的药帽与花粉团和粘盘一起粘在中华蜜蜂背部。