- Cyclobalanopsis gilvan. 赤皮青冈
- Cyclobalanopsis glauca forest is one of the main types of the evergreen broad leaved forest (EBLF) in East China Subtropical Area. 青冈林是我国东部亚热带常绿阔叶林的最主要的类型之一。
- The dominant community of Abies beshanzuensis phyto-group is evergreen Cyclobalanopsis multinervis and deciduous Fagus lucicla, which is a natural broadleaf mixed forest. 百山祖冷杉森林植物群落的优势种群是由常绿的多脉青冈和落叶的亮叶水青冈组成,是一个比较特殊的天然的常绿与落叶阔叶混交林。
- On the basis of field investigation,the species diversity of evergreen broad-leaved forest dominated by Cyclobalanopsis glauca in protection regions are studied. 在野外调查的基础上,对浙江北部地区保护区(风景区、森林公园)的青冈常绿阔叶林物种多样性进行了研究,并对不同地点的多样性进行比较分析。
- Auricularialing chuan Specialties: Auricularia many born Cyclobalanopsis,jue tree, cork oak, Quercus car step, and other broad-leaved Quercus jue za mu above. 陵川特产黑木耳:黑木耳多生于青冈、桷树、栓皮栎、迈车栎、桷栎等阔叶杂木之上。
- The fossil woods of Toona (Meliaceae), Dalbergia (Fabaceae), Castanopsis, Cyclobalanopsis (Fagaceae), Lagerstroemia (Lythraceae), Morns (Moraceae), Juglandaceae and Fabaceae are reported in China for the first time. 其中三尖杉属或穗花杉属、楝科香椿属、豆科黄檀属、壳斗科锥属、青冈属、千屈菜科紫薇属、桑科桑属、胡桃科和壳斗科的化石木在我国为首次报道。
- In the canopy layer, Fokienia hodginsii was significantly positive associated with Schima superba, Cyclobalanopsis stewardiana, Rhododendron simiarum, Cleyera pachyphylla and Ilex suaveolens. 在乔木层中,福建柏与木荷、褐叶青冈、猴头杜鹃、厚叶红淡比、香冬青间具有显著正联结;
- Cyclobalanopsis elevaticostata forest 突脉青冈林
- Form. Cyclobalanopsis stewardiana 褐叶青冈林
- Cyclobalanopsis austro-cochinchinensisn. 越南青冈
- Cyclobalanopsis daimingshanensisn. 大明山青冈
- ,Quercus gilva Bl.and Q. stewardiana A Camus.are first recorded to Hubei. 此为湖北植物志补编工作的首次报道。
- One New Species of the Cyclobalanopsis(Fagaceae) from Hainan Island 海南岛青冈属(壳斗科)一新种
- Keywords Fagaceae;Quercus;Cyclobalanopsis;anatomic structures of wood; 壳斗科;栎属;青冈属;木材解剖构造;
- Succession of collembolan community structure during decomposition of leaves in Cyclobalanopsis glauca forest 青冈林土壤跳虫群落结构在落叶分解过程中的变化
- A Study on interspecific Competition of Main Plant Population in Cyclobalanopsis elevaticostata Forest 突脉青冈林主要植物种群的竞争研究
- Miltochrista gilvan. 微黄美苔蛾
- Study on the Structure and Dynamics of Populations of Cyclobalanopsis glauca in Jiande County,Zhejiang Province 浙江建德青冈常绿阔叶林种群结构和动态的研究
- Gilva 伊尔瓦
- Establishment of RAPD reaction system of Cyclobalanopsis chungii,the dominant species of evergreen broad-leaf forest 常绿阔叶林优势种福建青冈RAPD反应体系的建立