- Most disappearances are the result of the terrorist activity. 大多数的失踪案都是恐怖活动造成的。
- Most disappearances are the resultof the terrorist activity. 大多数的失踪案都是恐怖分子造成的。
- Many ended up in prison for terrorist activities. 许多从事恐怖活动的人最终被关进牢房。
- The Sept 11 terror attacks on US soil have focused world attention squarely on terrorist activity. 美国九一一惨祸引起世人对恐怖主义的高度警惕。
- He says authorities believe the attack was a symbolic act, and an attempt at reviving terrorist activity in Greece. 他说,当局相信,这次袭击是一次象征性行动,是为了重振希腊的恐怖主义活动。
- Just when the political situation was growing more stable, increased terrorist activity began to rock the boat. 正当政局日益稳定的时候,恐怖分子活动的猖獗开始把一切都搞乱了。
- In a radio message, the Israelis accused the vessel of being involved in terrorist activity, its captain said. 该船船长通过无线电透露,以色列人指责他们与恐怖活动有牵连。
- He faces a life in prison if convicted.Hamdan's attorney said he was a driver for Osama Bin Laden, but was not involved in any terrorist activity. 汗旦的辩护律师说,汗旦只不过是本拉登一名司机而已,并没参与任何的恐怖活动。
- CVEs are essentially holes in applications that can be attacked by hackers and cyber terrorists to steal information or bring down networks. CVE本质上说是应用程序内部的漏洞,它可以被黑客利用,用来攻击网络、窃取信息,并使网络瘫痪。
- He said progress is being made in the war on terror, even though a new U.S. Government report showed an increase in terrorist activity over the last year. 布什说,虽然美国政府最近的一份报告显示,全球恐怖主义活动去年有所上升,但是反恐战争正在取得进展。
- China accuses the Uighurs of terrorist activity and had been pushing for their return to China, but Washington refused the request out of fear they would be tortured. 北京指责这些维族人搞恐怖活动,北京一直要求把他们遣返中国;但是华盛顿担心这些维族人会受到拷打而拒绝这个要求。
- Tokyo has been a staunch supporter of the U.S.-led invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq and this has raised concerns that Japan could be a target of terrorist activity. 东京一向支持美国入侵阿富汗和伊拉克,该规定的颁布让人担心日本很可能成为恐怖分子的目标。
- After the 9.11, the United Nations Security Council passed the anti-terrorism resolution, which filled the blank in the existing international law, put every nation under the obligation of not allowing any terrorist activity in the country. "9.;11"事件后联合国安理会反恐决议填补了现行国际法的空白;加诸各国不得默许恐怖分子在其境内活动的义务。
- According to friends and colleagues, police bundled him off the road and into a car without a shred of evidence that he might have been involved in any political, antisocial or terrorist activity. 按照他的朋友和同事所说,警察在路上逮住他并把他塞进警车,没有丝毫证据显示他可能参与了任何政治的、反社会的或恐怖活动。
- There is no intelligence pointing to imminent terrorist activity but Britain's threat level remains “severe” and there will be a big security operation to protect the delegations. 没有情报指向恐怖主义活动的临近,但是英国面临的威胁等级仍然是“严峻”,而且为了保护代表团会有一个大规模的安全行动。
- Sweden is against extradition of its own nationals suspected of terrorist activities to U.S. 瑞典反对把涉嫌恐怖活动的本国公民引渡到美国
- Fighting terrorist activities also becomes one of the missions for the special forces. 打击恐怖活动也成了特种部队的任务之一。
- Corruption, organized crime, and terrorist activities threaten to devastate the process. 贪污盛行、有组织的犯罪和恐怖组织行为对这一过程产生巨大的破坏力
- In recent years, terrorist activities have notably increased, and constitute a real threat to world peace and development. 近年来,恐怖主义活动明显上升,对世界和平与发展构成了现实威胁。
- His anger to get off before the blade to a designated sleeper pulpy, a typical small-scale terrorist activities. 气得他下车前用刀片把卧铺划了个稀烂,典型的小型恐怖活动。