- Cyathus intermediusn. 间型黑蛋巢
- Considerable intraspecific differentiation was found in A. intermedius. 中介蝮有较大的种下分化。
- Preseving intermedius nervus are as protect same inportment as facial nere motor branches during the operation. 保护中间神经同保护面神经运动支一样重要。
- Rana chensinensis and Gloydius intermedius were the dominant species with a relatively concentrated distribution. 中国林蛙和中介蝮分别为两栖类和爬行类的优势种,但分布较集中。
- Divide the vastus lateralis and vastus intermedius muscles in the direction of their fibers and open and reflect the periosteum for the proper distance. 按纤维方向劈开股外侧肌和股中间肌;切开适当长度的骨膜并向两侧牵开。
- B, Femur exposed by separation of rectus femoris and vastus lateralis muscles and division of vastus intermedius muscle. 分开股直肌和股外侧肌,劈开股中间肌,显露股骨。
- A certain genetic distance was detected among A. i. intermedius, A. i . saxatilis and Gansu samples and Ningxia samples of A. intermedius. 中介蝮的甘肃标本、宁夏标本、指名亚种及黑眉亚种间有一定的遗传距离。
- Gloydius intermedius mainly lived near streams around village and might become a pest species to ecotourism at local areas. 中国林蛙和中介蝮分别为两栖类和爬行类的优势种,但分布较集中。
- Conclusions Our study shows that know clearly the shapes and location on intermedius nervus is benefit to select better operative approaches and avoid to damage. 结论了解中间神经的显微解剖形态,可以正确选择手术入路,避免神经损伤;
- The results showed that there were totally 9 different species,and 7 were in spring and summer respectively,4 in autumn and only 5 in winter. Lucifer intermedius,L. 结果显示:东海4季共出现浮游十足类9种,其中秋季4种,冬季5种,夏春季各7种;
- The position on intermedius nervus changed in cerebellopontine angle, while there were signficance relations between intemal acoustic artery and intermedius nervus. 结果中间神经分为桥小脑角段,内听道段和面神经管段。
- This involves 8 species and subspecies belonging to 4 genera of Buthidae, viz: Mesobuthus martensii (Karsch, 1879), M. eupeus mongolicus (Birula, 1911), M. e. thersites (Koch, 1839), M. caucasicus intermedius (Birula, 1897), M. c. thersites(C.;L
- Fig. 1-57 Anterolateral approach to femur. A, Skin incision. B, Femur exposed by separation of rectus femoris and vastus lateralis muscles and division of vastus intermedius muscle. 图1-57股骨前外侧手术入路。A皮肤切口;B分开股直肌和股外侧肌,劈开股中间肌,显露股骨。
- Because some common species of pelagic Decapods, such as L. intermedius, could adapt at different environment, these species usually showed high occurrence and very large values in their abundances. 常见种对不同季节的环境适应性较强,其出现频率和个体丰度远大于稀有种。
- Crocodylus intermedius [Orinoco crocodile] 中介鳄
- Cutaneus dorsalis intermedius pedis nervus 足背中间皮神经
- nervi cutaneus dorsalis intermedius pedis [医] 足背中间皮神经
- nervus cutaneus dorsalis intermedius 足背中间皮神经
- posterior wall of bronchus intermedius 中段支气管后壁
- hiatus intermedius lumbosacralis [医] 腰骶中间裂(变)