- In order not to be late, she cut across the fields. 为了不迟到,她抄近路穿过田野。
- The flood cut a wide swath in this area. 洪水席卷了这一地区,满目一片疮痍。
- Our tanks cut in ahead of the escaping aggressors. 我们的坦克抢到前面去拦住那些溃逃的侵略者。
- The number shall be cut in on a plate. 号码将雕刻在一块金属板上。
- I cut out the paragraph in this article. 我删除了这篇文章的一个段落。
- A gem cut in the form of a narrow rectangle. 狭长形宝石被切成细条形的宝石
- He cut corners going home in a hurry. 他匆匆忙忙地抄近路回家。
- I heard his footsteps in the hall. 我听见大厅里有他的脚步声。
- Rose bushes shoot again after being cut back. 玫瑰丛修剪後还能再长出新枝。
- The mountains were hazy in the distance. 远处的群山笼罩在雾霭之中。
- In order not to be late, she cut across the field. 为了不迟到,她抄近路穿过田野。
- There's no short cut to take in this problem. 在这个问题上没有捷径可走。
- The lorry overtook me and then cut in (on me). 那辆卡车超越我的车後,突然插入我前方的位置。
- She spent an hour in quiet contemplation. 她静静地沉思了一个小时。
- He was badly cut up in the fight. 他在斗殴中被打得遍体鳞伤。
- He cut off a bunch of grapes to entertain us. 他剪下一串葡萄招待我们。
- Don't try to cut in while others are talking. 别人谈话时不要插嘴。
- He is on a par with his brother in intelligence. 他在智力方面同他的弟弟不相上下。
- She reckoned she had cut her cost by half. 她估计她减少了一半的费用。
- The sailboat keeled over in the storm. 帆船在风暴中倾覆了。