- Honestly,it takes some cultivation to know who you are with all the mixed messages and different kind of cultural demands of who you should be. 说实在的,想知道自己是谁得花上些功夫,因为有这么多混杂的资讯以及不同的文化需求关于你应该是谁。
- At last, the thesis draws the conclusion that different cultural demands at different time tend to guide translators" strategies to domesticate or foreignize. 最后,得出本文结论:不同时期的文化需求决定了译者不同的翻译策略。
- Improve the quality and standard of the services of the sports market in real earnest to invigorate the sports consumption by providing high-quality and high-standard sports services to meet the material and cultural demands of the citizens. 切实提高体育市场服务的质量和层次,以高质量高水准的体育服务激活体育消费,满足市民的物质和精神需求。
- After the per-capita GDP reaches US$1,000, the people will have greater spiritual and cultural demand in addition to material demand. 在人均gdp达到1000美元后,人们的需求将不仅仅集中在物质上,还会有更多的精神文明的需求。
- According to this view, transsexualism is not a medical condition, but the response of certain individuals in certain situations to inappropriate social pressure and undue cultural demands. 按照这种观点,易性癖不是一个医学问题,而是在特定的外部环境之下,特定个体对不适当的社会压力和不适当的文化要求所做出(顺从社会性别标准的)的反应。
- Consequently, Jiao Festival as a collective ritual, shows both local cultural demand and the identification of the whole Chinese culture. 这样,太平醮作为一种集体仪式既表达了地方文化需求,也表达了对中华文化整体的认同。
- Encryption permits the requisite out-of-controllness that a hive culture demands in order to keep nimble and quick as it evolves into a deepening tangle. 加密技术允许必要的失控,失控正是蜂巢文化在逐渐向一种不断深入的混乱状态演变的同时保持其灵活性和敏捷性所必需的东西。
- They refused to bend to the hijackers' demands. 他们拒绝屈从于劫机者的要求。
- This work demands your immediate attention. 这件工作急需你立即处理。
- Success as a writer demands great application. 要成为作家就得狠下功夫。
- The museum has many immemorial cultural relics. 该博物馆收藏了很多极其古老的文物。
- She's perfectly reasonable in her demands. 她的要求完全合情合理。
- Our cultural delegation met with a hearty welcome. 我们的文化代表团受到热烈欢迎。
- Their demands had narrowed down to only two points. 他们的要求已减少到只有两点。
- Cultural Demands and Transformation of the Information Source Management 文化需求与信息资源管理的转型
- Their demands are past all reason. 他们的要求不合理。
- My friend told me that the place she live is a cultural wasteland. 我的朋友告诉我她住的地方文化生活贫乏。
- A gem that demands a fine setting. 宝石要配精美的戒台
- These are the cultural legacies of the Renaissance. 这些是文艺复兴时期的文化遗产。
- A novelist must be able to use the cultural heritage of his nation. 小说家要善于利用他本国的文化遗产。