- Please be aware that this is a crucial issue to us. 请了解这一点对我们至关重要。
- In the conversation, he evaded the crucial issue all the time. 谈话中,他总是回避要害问题。
- The Prime Minister said that if Parliament went against him on the crucial issue of our joining the Common Market, he would be forced to go to the country. 首相说,如果议会在我们参加共同市场这一重大问题上反对他,那他只得被迫解散议会,进行大选。
- Public confidence was a crucial issue in safeguarding a smooth rollover to the new millennium. 公众信心是确保顺利过渡千禧年的重要因素。
- The spread of pornography and obscenity is a very crucial issue in the modern society. 摘要色情淫秽内容的传播是现代社会所面临的一个重要问题。
- The Delegation wanted to register its disappointment with the way the crucial issue of development had been dealt with. 该代表团希望表明,它对处理至关重要的发展问题的方式感到失望。
- The insufficient educational funding has been a crucial issue that hinders Chinese educational development. 摘要教育经费短缺问题至今仍然是制约我国教育发展的根本问题。
- The question of Taiwan was the crucial issue obstructing the normalization of relations between China and the USA. 台湾问题曾经是阻碍中美两国实现关系正常化的关键问题。
- But the gulf between Hamas and Fatah is wide under the crucial issue of how Palestine should confront the Israeli occupation. 但是在巴勒斯坦该如何对抗以色列的侵占这一重要的问题上,哈马斯与法塔赫之间的隔阂很深。
- Thus, how to assess and evaluate the survivability of a system effectively is a crucial issue in the field of information security. 所以,有效地评估与衡量关键性网路系统的存活性,是现今资讯安全领域中亟需重视的议题。
- How to evolve from the existing telecom telecom networks towards B-ISDN is a crucial issue,which will strongly influence the B-ISDN reality. 如何从现有通信网向B-ISDN过渡,是个战略性问题。
- Therefore, how to effectively reduce the ion concentration is an crucial issue on FLC for application of display technology in the future. 这样的结果提供未来显示器技术在降低离子效应的新方向,可藉由在铁电型液晶中添加奈米粒子来降低离子效应同时不改变显示器的光电表现。
- As device dimension shrinks to the sub-micrometer range, reduction of thermal budget during microelectronic processing is becoming a crucial issue. 近几年,晶圆尺寸加大,微电子元件发展倾向于缩小积体电路线体尺寸,降低制程的加热预算便成为当务之急。
- As a result, it’s a crucial issue to get the comprehensive knowledge about the charge transport properties of rubrene thin films. 因此,对红荧烯薄膜的电荷输运性质有全面的认识是关键所在。
- The Prime Minister said that if Parliament went against him on the crucial issue of our joining the Common Market,he would be forced to go to the country. 首相声称,如果议会在英国加入共同市场的生大问题上反对他,那他就得被迫举行大选。
- In each case, somebody discussed some aspects of a set of technologies, solutions, and options, but then ignored a crucial issue: non-functional requirements. 在每种情况下,人们只讨论一些技术、解决方案和选项的某些方面,而忽视了一个至关重要的问题:非功能性需求。
- In the face of the Kazakstan petroleum service markets possessing former Soviet System features, the management way is a crucial issue to enterprise survival and development. 面对具有典型的前苏联体制特色的哈萨克斯坦石油服务市场,工程项目的运作模式成为企业生存和发展的重大课题。
- House Speaker Michael E.Busch told reporters Wednesday to expect a "very active policy session as well as one that centers around the crucial issue of the budget. " 众议院议长迈克尔布希星期三对记者表示期待一个“非常积极的政策会议,以及一个中心的关键问题的预算。
- All these problems will be tackled as crucial issues in key working programs in the future. 这些问题将作为我们今后工作的重点领域和重点问题加以解决。
- Network information safety is one of crucial issus in the electronic construction of government affairs. 摘要网络信息安全问题是电子政务建设中的关键性问题之一。