- Croton purpurascensn. 淡紫毛巴豆
- I live three blocks away, on Croton Street. 我住的地方离这里三个街区,在克罗顿街。”
- Croton caudatus Geisel.Var.tomentosa Hook. 毛叶巴豆
- Bergenia purpurascens (Hook. f. et Thoms.) Engl. 岩白菜
- All of a sudden, opened a medicine, all croton. 突然,开了一副药,全是巴豆。
- Croton cihatoglanduliferus Orteg. 毛腺巴豆;大戟科.
- Bergenia purpurascens Engl.var.delavayi Engl.et Irm. 岩白菜
- Bergenia purpurascens (Hook.f.et Thoms.) Engl.var.delavayi (Franch.)Engl.et Irm. 岩白菜
- Methods: Croton oil-induced ear swelling in mice and carrageenan-induced hind paw edema in rats were prepared. 方法 :采用巴豆油诱发的小鼠耳肿模型、角叉菜胶诱导的大鼠后爪肿胀模型研究药物的抗炎作用。
- METHOD The chorditis vocalis in rabbits were caused with croton oil and the ear swell ing in mice with dimethylbenzene. 方法采用巴豆油引起的家兔声带炎症模型和二甲苯引起的小鼠耳炎症模型,观察CPI局部涂抹给药的抗炎作用。
- Destination: to understand antibacterial effect and antibacterial spectrum of croton oil. 目的:了解巴豆油抗菌谱。
- Any of various plants of the genus Croton, which includes the sources of cascarilla bark and croton oil. 巴豆植物任一种巴豆属植物,包括卡斯卡里拉树皮和巴豆油的最初来源
- Objective: To observe Croton oil killing Multi-drug resistance Mycobacterium tuberculosis in vitro. 目的:观察巴豆油体外对耐药结核杆菌的生长抑制作用。
- Chewing the roots or the bark of the croton plant can cause burning sensations in the mouth. 我不知道怎么翻译得准确,主要是吃了巴豆植物的根或者是皮会引起口腔上火还是麻木呢?
- An experiment was done to observe whether the capsaicin frost agent can control the mouse s auricular plumping caused by xylene and croton oil. 为研究辣椒素霜的抗炎作用,分别实验观察了辣椒素霜对二甲苯,巴豆油所致小白鼠耳廓肿胀的作用。
- METHOD Acetic acid was used to increase the permeability of mice abdomen capillaries and croton oil was used to make mice external ear swelling model. 方法用醋酸造成小鼠腹腔毛细血管通透性的增加和用巴豆油造成小鼠耳壳肿胀模型。
- ECP and LGP markedly inhibited the ear edema caused by croton oil and the increased vascular permeability induced by acetic acid in mice. ECP与LGP可显著抑制致炎剂引起的小鼠耳肿胀和毛细血管通透性增加。
- Bergenia purpurascens Engl. 岩白菜
- E-polylysine, potassium sorbate, potassium sorbate sphere, sorbic acid, BHT, gluconic acid solution, croton aldehyde, ca ... 突尼斯公司求购聚赖氨酸,山梨酸钾,球状山梨酸钾,抗氧化剂2009-04-08