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- We are proving to be a really strong and competitive team," said Rosella. 我相信四分之一决赛并不轻松,让我们看看我们会遇到谁。。。。。”
- Roma executive director Rosella Sensi is confident Cristian Chivu will pen a new contract. 罗马执行总裁罗塞拉-森西认为齐沃会和俱乐部续约。
- Roma executive director Rosella Sensi has told Inter Milan that star midfielder Alberto Aquilani is not for sale. 罗马执行主席罗塞拉.;森西告戒国际米兰;中场的阿奎拉尼不会被出售
- Roma executive director Rosella Sensi remains confident of securing winger Amantino Mancini to a new contract. 罗马执行董事罗塞拉?森西仍然相信能与边锋小曼奇尼续约,让他留在罗马。
- Roma executive director Rosella Sensi is ready to table a new contract offer to coach Luciano Spalletti. 罗马的执行总裁罗塞拉森西准备为斯帕莱蒂提供一份新合同。
- Berlusconi loves Rome, he would never do such a discourtesy to Roma chairman Rosella Sensi". 贝卢斯科尼爱罗马,他将永远不会做对罗马主席森西罗塞拉无礼的行为”。
- Rosella Sensi, a club director and daughter of club president Franco Sensi, took a slightly different tack. 罗塞拉森西,俱乐部的领袖,前主席弗兰克森西的女儿则不这么认为。
- The Italian press believe his upcoming meetings with Rosella Sensi will be crucial in determining his future. 意大利媒体普遍认为,斯帕莱蒂在即将到来的与罗马主席森西的会面中会决定自己的未来。
- Coach Luciano Spalletti has quit AS Roma after meeting with chairman Rosella Sensi earlier today. 斯帕莱蒂在与罗马主席深谈之后,决定辞职。
- "Rosella Sensi is doing great work in Rome so she has continue doing what she does.I sent her a message to offer my condolences. 罗塞拉在罗马的工作富有成效,她需要继续她的事业,我已经给她发信息表示了我的吊唁。
- A meeting with President Rosella Sensi today reaffirmed her faith in Spalletti’s ability to turn the situation around against Sampdoria. 在今天和罗塞拉主席的会谈中,罗塞拉主席坚持相信斯帕莱蒂的能力,并且在对桑普的比赛中扭转当前的局面。
- As Roma was already known attempt to George Soros, the bluff of the Arabs, now the bullet remains in the hands of the Sensi family, which will Rosella? 罗马已经引起了投资巨鳄索罗斯的兴趣,可是,狡猾的阿拉伯人只闪现了一下,现在,球队依然属于森西家族,下一个将会是谁?罗塞拉?
- But when Prince Antonio discovers their tropical paradise, curiosity about her past leads Rosella?To journey with the prince to his castle. 小时候因为海难而流落小岛的露露,与好友浣熊沙积、孔雀阿苏及小象迪吉一起结伴成长,更因此学会了跟动物说话和唱歌。
- Blanc was on the phone yesterday to Roma executive director Rosella Sensi, and she made it perfectly clear that Aquilani will be going nowhere. 布兰科准备同罗马执行经理罗塞拉.;森西通了电话,但她很明确地表示阿奎拉尼哪儿也不会去。
- Rosella and Roma director general Daniele Prarde are anxious to secure Spalletti beyond next season and will offer him an improved deal through to 2008 in the coming days. 罗塞拉和普拉德都迫切希望能留下这位教头,为此他们会在接下来的几天内为斯帕莱蒂提供一份为期两年比原合同更加优厚的新合同。
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