- In addition, 100 PLA hospitals have made arrangements with 105 lo-cal county hospitals in the poor areas of the western region to provide assistance. 军队100所医院对西部贫困地区105所县医院进行了对口支援。
- Results: In the county hospitals or the higher level ones,the sediment urinalysis by slide directoscopy occurred in 74. 目的:评估广东省临床实验室实施尿液沉渣分析检查规范化工作情况。
- In addition,100 PLA hospitals have made arrangements with 105 lo-cal county hospitals in the poor areas of the western region to provide assistance. 军队100所医院对西部贫困地区105所县医院进行了对口支援。
- This article analyzes the revenue and expenditure of 39 county hospitals in Jiangsu Province,expounds the importance and necessity of compensating mechanism. 通过对江苏省39所县级医院补偿现状的分析,阐述了医院补偿的重要性和必要性。
- A study here was carried out to observe the HCV vertical transmission using 1506 samples from couples and their unconstraint-aborted fetus with more than 3 months pregnancy, which were collected in 4 county hospitals in the south of China. 本研究以在我国南方地区4个县级以上医院收集的1506对自愿终止3月以上妊娠的夫妇及其引产胎儿为研究的样本,研究HCV的宫内传播,为母婴传播提供直接的证据,并初步探讨HCV是否存在类似在HBV垂直传播研究中发现的父婴传播的可能。
- The Royal Sussex County Hospital is the largest of numerous hospitals and sanatoriums in Brighton. 皇家萨西克斯医院在布莱顿所有医院和疗养院中居首位。
- In Kinmen, there are only two local hospitals, Kinmen County Hospital and Kinmen Military Hospital. 能提供急重症救护的地区医院仅有国军金门医院与金门县立医院。
- An elderly man had collapsed while crossing the street, and an ambulance rushed him to Kings County Hospital. 一位老人在过马路时晕倒了,一辆救护车迅速把他送往了金司县医院。
- They were going to send the child to the county hospital when a medical team arrived in the village. 正要送孩子上县医院,碰巧医疗队到村里来了。
- Methods : pulmonary tuberculosis patients were diagnosed and treatment in county hospital and were managed by county CDC. 方法通过将县结防所挂靠到县人民医院,采用病人诊断治疗在县人民医院,督导管理在县疾病预防控制中心的管理模式。
- According to county hospitals census, we got to know the bonus system switched many times from 1975 to 1997. By tendency analyzing method, the relationship between bonus system switch and hospital service revenue was analyzed. 在对山东省所有县级医院普查的基础上,了解了从1975年至1997年间奖金制度的变化情况,采用趋势分析方法,分析了奖金制度转变与医院业务收入之间的关系,并进一步采用抽样调查资料对结果进行了验证。
- Yesterday morning, there is a rumor spread in the Pingtan Chengguan to: A girl was living in the bar after 22 Pingtan county hospital. 昨天上午,又有一个传言在平潭城关流传开来:一个女孩被扎后住在平潭县医院22床。
- At the same time, Beijing about 100 medical experts, health care workers and 22 ambulances to the scene Miyun County Hospital emergency scene. 同时,北京市的约100名医疗专家、医护人员和22辆救护车火速赶到密云县医院急诊现场。
- Only in 2003 to take part in the county hospital lead to PUC medicine consultation tender more than 300 million to let the masses more than 30 million. 仅2003年,以县医院牵头参加市局药品集中招标来询300余万元,为群众让利30余万元。
- The joint stock cooperation system,which makes county hospital as the bibcock and the united operation model of towns and villages are good reform methods. 乡镇卫生院的体制改革势在必行,以县医院为“龙头”的股份合作制,城乡联合经营模式是较好的改制方法。
- Moreover, Beifang also sets up kindergarten, middle schools and primary schools, police station, county hospital, post office and telecommunication office. 同时,北房镇新建了中心幼儿园,中小学,派出所,卫生院,电信支局等公共服务设施。
- Meanwhile phoned 120 emergency telephone, the organization of emergency personnel and vehicles will be sent to the Miyun County Hospital personnel were injured. 同时拨打120急救电话,组织人员和车辆将受伤人员紧急送往密云县医院。
- There are Wuwei region to wish their days cold storage, dayzhu gong road weather stations andxian shu Wushaoling II Tianzhu county hospital branch Anyuan, Wushaoling Forest. 境内有武威地区所属天祝冷库、天祝公路段、乌鞘岭气象站和县属天祝二中、县医院安远分院、乌鞘岭林场。
- National Day to go home and I see he is very thin, flexible operation is not very often have the feeling of pain, only to the county hospital Fenbid eat. 国庆节我回家见他非常消瘦,行动也不是很灵活,还经常有疼痛感觉,县医院只是给吃芬必得。
- He visited, in all, ten hospitals in China. 他在中国共参观了10家医院。