- Don' t complain ! Count your blessings ! 别怨天尤人了! 你应该知足!
- Not Communicating With Your Boss? Count Your Blessings? 沟通不畅,焉知非福?
- Count your blessings, not your troubles. Count your age by friends, not years. And this is one big thank you card. 数算你的福气,不是烦恼,以朋友计算你的年纪,不是年岁。
- You know your diet is in trouble when you count your blessings and McDonald's is always the first one. 在你明知为自己的食谱陷入烦恼,并计算餐前祷告时,麦当劳总是第一个为你计算的人。
- "Fuck 'em. Count your blessings" was his advice, delivered with rock-star bravado. “操'时间。伯爵您祝福”是他的意见,提供与摇滚明星虚张声势。
- I know you didn't get into Berkeley University, but you should count your blessings and be happy to have been accepted by five universities. 我知道你没有申请到伯克莱大学,但是有五间大学接受你的申请,你该感到庆幸。
- Nobody likes an egomaniac, so try not to brag too loudly. Count your blessings and accept the applause you've earned graciously. 没有人喜欢自大狂,尽量别大声地自吹自擂。数一数自己的福气,亲切地接受自己所赢得的掌声。
- Nobody an egomaniac, so try not to brag too loudly. Count your blessings and accept the applause you've earned graciously. 没有人喜欢自大狂,尽量别大声地自吹自擂。数一数自己的福气,亲切地接受自己所赢得的掌声。
- Count your blessings. 想想你现在的幸福。
- Count your blessings every day. 每天都要想着感恩。
- Spend your time counting your blessings, not airing your complaints. 花时间数算恩典,而不要口出怨言。
- Have a good day, count your blessings, and pass this along to remind everyone else, how blessed we all are. 珍惜你的现在,珍惜你获得的祝福,并传达你的爱意给每一个身边的人,告诉他们我们是多么幸福。
- Have a good day, count your blessings, and remind everyone else how blessed we all are. 祝您今天快乐,数点您的祝福,并提醒其他人,我们都是很有福的人。
- If you don't know the answer, begin counting your blessings .....and thanking God for them. 若不知如何回答,那就开始数算神对你的恩典吧。。。。。。因已得的这些向神感恩吧。
- Gratitude means thankfulness, counting your blessings, noticing simple pleasures, and acknowledging everything that you receive. 感恩就意味着感激,意味着历数你所有的幸福,意味着留意简单的快乐,也意味着答谢你接受的一切。
- Always look at how far you have come rather than how far you have to go. Always count your blessing, not what you are missing. 永远去看你已经走了多远,而不是你还有多远要走。永远记住你所幸,而非所失。
- God : Always look at how far you have come rather than how far you have to go. Always count your blessing, not what you are missing. 上帝:经常回头看看你已经走了多远而不是整天忧心你还要走多远;经常庆幸你获得的而不是懊悔你失去的。
- God: Always look at how far you have come rather than how far you have to go. Always count your blessing, not what you are missing. 上帝:要常常从你已经走了多少路的角度来看,而不要看前面还有多远的路要走。要数算神的恩典,别数算你的不足。
- Don't forget to count your change. 别忘了数一数你的零钱。
- Do not count your chickens before they are hatched. [谚]不要过早打如意算盘。