- The generation mechanisms of these physical phenomena of Coulomb blockade, Coulomb staircase, single electron tunneling were described with single electron transistor(SET) as the research object. 以单电子晶体管为研究对象,系统阐述了库仑阻塞、库仑台阶、单电子隧穿等物理现象的产生机理。
- We heard his heavy tread on the staircase. 我们听到了他走在楼梯上沉重的脚步声。
- I hear someone coming down the staircase. 我听到有人下楼梯。
- He stumbled on the staircase and hurt his leg. 他在楼梯上绊了一跤,伤了腿。
- Coulomb staircase 库仑台阶
- We must redecorate the staircase. 我们得把楼梯重新装饰一下。
- You can go up the staircase on the right. 你可以从右边楼梯上去。
- One of the vertical supports of a handrail on a staircase. 楼梯栏杆小柱楼梯扶手的垂直支撑之一
- There is a white-spindled staircase leading to the pulpit. 有一个白色纺锤形的阶梯通往讲道坛。
- The first term is the screened Coulomb repulsion. 第一项是屏蔽的库仑排斥项。
- The unit of electric quantity is coulomb. 物体的电量单位是库仑。
- The gallery is terminated by a staircase. 走廊尽头是楼梯。
- A vertical support at the center of a circular staircase. 螺旋楼梯中柱环行楼梯中间的垂直支撑
- Of or relating to the Coulomb force. 库仑力的库仑力的,与库仑力有关的
- One of the steps of a winding staircase. 斜踏步转弯的楼道处的一个梯阶
- The upper horizontal part of a step in a staircase. 踏步板楼梯中一个台阶上的水平的上部
- This staircase leads up to the roof. 楼梯一直通往楼顶。
- We climbed the winding staircase. 我们爬上弯弯曲曲的楼梯。
- Coulomb repulsion imposes the need for high temperature. 库仑斥力增添了对高温的需求。
- Dixon flung himself up the staircase. 狄克逊飞步奔上楼梯。