- Cotton feels soft. 棉花摸上去很柔软。
- Cotton feel soft. 棉花摸起来是软的。
- The ground feels shaky; The sheets feel soft. 地面摸起来在震动;这被单摸起来柔软。
- The synthetic fiber of this kind feels soft. 这种人造纤维手感柔软。
- The walls are three inches thick.This material feels soft. 这几堵墙有三英寸厚.;这种料子摸起来很柔软
- The soil felt soft beneath our feet. 我们脚下的土踩上去很松软。
- It can be widely applied to pure cotton, polyester and viscose blends, in fabric formed permanent three-dimensional pattern, can the crucibleof General lavation and friction, hand feel soft. 它可以普及不天搁置于清棉、清涤纶和涤粘混纺织物,在织物上变成长久的不平面图案,能不纬受凡是清洗和磨擦,手感触刚硬。
- The cloth felt soft to the touch. 这块布摸起来很柔软。
- Daheck Chicago simplicity Dress, great cotton feel, adjustable shoulder strings, containing 2008's simplism. It is a modern piece, suitable for ones who love simplicity. 同色阶几何巧妙的组合,2008流行的大方感的元素,贴身弹性棉,现代感十足,适合爱好检约的妳。
- Daheck Gray's Gradient Dress, great cotton feel, adjustable shoulder strings, containing 2008's simplism. It is a modern piece, suitable for ones who love simplicity. 同色阶几何巧妙的组合,2008流行的大方感的元素,贴身弹性棉,现代感十足,适合爱好检约的妳。
- Absolutely reliable. The quality is superior,yet the price is very reasonable. It feels soft and smooth. 完全可靠。该产品质优价廉,手感柔软光滑。
- On the palate feels soft, full bodied, concentrated with velvet texture and mature tannins. 口感圆润,天鹅绒般的细腻,单宁适中。
- Absolutely reliable. The quality is superior, yet the price is very reasonable. It feels soft and smooth. 完全可靠。该产品质优价廉,手感柔软光滑。
- The blend fabric of rabbit hair and Shetland wool feels soft and brings better economic benefits. 兔毛雪兰毛混纺产品比雪兰毛产品有较柔软的手感及良好的经济效益。
- In this hotel the gentle yellow lamplight makes people feel soft and comfortable. 该宾馆柔黄色的灯光,使人觉得柔和舒适。
- Explanation: The windproof and wearable material keeps warm;meanwhile it makes the body feel soft and comfortable. 产品说明:此款面料手感柔软舒适,穿着后轻便随意、防风耐磨、保暖性佳;
- Cotton cloth is made in a cotton mill. 棉布是由棉纺厂生产的。
- Levers can feel soft due to mechanical/hydraulic advantage or hose and caliper stiffness properties. 刹把会因为机械/液压的优点或者油管和夹器的硬度特性而使人觉得软。
- One kind is a new student firm childbirth goes out, one is roused on the head " bag " , feel soft with fingerprint, press have cave, 2-3 Queen of heaven disappears completely. 一种是新生儿刚娩出,头上就鼓起一个“包”,用手模感到柔软,压之有凹陷,2-3天后完全消失。
- The cotton pickers want more money. 采棉工人要求更多的报酬。