- Cost Estimate Change Order 成本估计变更次序
- What is included in a Landed Cost estimate? Landed Cost预算包括甚么内容?
- Assist PM for improving reliability of project cost estimate. 负责项目的成本分析和成本控制.
- How can I calculate my shipping charges for use in the Landed Cost estimate? 我怎样计算我的托运费用,以便用于Landed Cost预算?
- Receive an immediate cost estimate for your shipment before shipping. 您可以在寄件前取得即时的预估费用。
- Cost estimate of the expense portion, i. e. the equipment and materials. 费用部分,即设备和原料的成本估计。
- The concepts of accounting policy change, accounting estimate change and accounting error correction are often encountered in accounting practices. 会计政策变更、会计估计变更和会计差错更正是会计核算时经常遇到的三个概念。
- Parametric and bottom-up cost estimation. 参数及自下而上成本估算法。
- It can change order set numbers and overrelaxation parameters expediently according to real need. 该方法综合了上述两种算法的优点,具有可根据需要灵活改变子集数和超松弛因子的功能。
- R.F.Cushman &S.D.Butler,Construction change order claims 2-4,Aspen publishers online,1994. 王义云、各业会计制度(修订版),五南图书出版公司,台北,1995。
- For example, a manufacturing workstation may submit a request to withdraw a part from inventory just before a change order makes the part obsolete. 例如,生产工作站可能恰好在更改命令弃用某个零件之前提交了一个请求,用以从库存中提取该零件。
- Costs Estimate For Trade Marks Application in the FRANCE. 法国商标注册申请费用。
- Our Landed Cost engine provides you with a cost estimate of international shipments. 我们的Landed Cost引擎将为您提供国际货件的成本估算。
- XXX shall comply with each CHANGE Order as if it was a term of this Agreement and subject to all its conditions except as amended by the CHANGE Order. XXX应遵守各变更单,就如同它是本协议的一项条款,并遵守其所有条件,经变更单修正的除外。(请指正,重点是标红句)。
- Be responsible for cost estimate, planning, contract management and resource allocation. 负责成本控制,项目计划,合同管理及人员分配。
- Third, a cost estimate for the project was needed covering both the building and future running of the system. 第三,需要对系统的建设和今后的运行进行一次项目费用概算。
- Reallocation Search which creates a Change Order Recommendation Report, to which it is possible to make modifications, if the recording has been started as a Recommendation type. 查找推荐更改顺序报告是否需要修正。
- Your Landed Cost estimate and actual shipment charges may vary for several reasons. 您的Landed Cost预算和实际托运费用不符可能有若干原因。
- The main advantage of our design methodology is that it can be easily integrated into the ECO (Engineering Change Order) stage in the existing ASIC design flow. 我们所提出之设计方法的主要优点,在于它可以整合于现有ASIC设计流程中的ECO部分。
- Cost estimate of maintenance manpower is the important part of military aircraft LCC cost estimate. 维修人力费用估算是军用飞机寿命周期费用估算的重要组成部分。