- Corn and horn go together. 粮贵肉价涨,粮贱肉价落。
- Do you think this hat and coat go together? 你认为这顶帽子和衣服协调吗?
- Sunshine and health often go together. 有了阳光往往就有健康。
- Love and reason do not go together. 爱与理智不能共存。
- Gossiping and lying go together. 传播流言蜚语和撒谎造谣是难兄难弟。
- Do my shirt and my blue jeans go together? 我的衬衫和牛仔裤相配吗?
- I like the way the blue carpet and the gold curtains go together. 我喜欢蓝色地毯和金黄色窗帘那样的相配。
- In August there was a big supply of corn and the price touch bottom. 八月份市场上玉米大量供应,价格降到最低点。
- Mark and Barbara are going together now. 马克与巴巴拉现在正在谈恋爱。
- We winter-feed corn and oats to the animals. 在冬季我们以玉米和燕麦饲养牲畜。
- "You'll go together with us, " he insisted. "你和我们一道去,"他坚持说。
- We eat the grains of corn and rice. 我们吃小麦和大米。
- We eat turkeys, corn and pumpkin pie. 我们吃火鸡,玉米和南瓜派。
- Are Kevin and Tracey going together? 凯文和特蕾西在谈恋爱吗?
- Much of the corn and soy is fed to animals. 很多这样的玉米和大豆被用来喂养动物。
- Are you traveling to London as well? We can go together. 你也往伦敦方向去吗?咱们可以同行。
- Listening and imitating should always go together. 听和模仿一定要同时做。
- Young boys dragged sacks of corn and potatoes. 稍微大点的孩子都拖着整袋的玉米和山薯。
- Jan: Oh yes, fresh corn and plump red tomatoes. 简:是啊,新鲜的玉米和多汗的红蕃茄。
- Poverty, hunger and illness often go together. 穷困、饥饿和疾病经常伴随发生。