- Copy Link to Clipboard 把链复制到剪贴板
- CODE: [Copy to clipboard] # Xorg -config xorg.conf. new看看是否更改了分辨率!
- Insert Clipboard contents and a link to its source. 插入剪贴板内容及其原始文件的链接。
- Now, all the content has been copied to clipboard. 此时帖子的全部内容已复制到剪贴板。
- Press key 1 to copy currently selected items to clipboard. 按1键复制当前选定的项目到剪贴板。
- Paste from the clipboard a link to data in another application. 从剪贴板中粘贴一个连接到其它应用程序的数据。
- Print the plan view or copy to clipboard as appropriate. 打印计划查看或复制到剪贴板适当。
- This menu also allows you to Copy Magnifying Glass to Clipboard. 这个菜单也可让您复制放大镜剪贴板。
- Vegetarianism is a link to perfection and peace. 素食主义使人达到完美和安宁。
- Bonus payment is link to productivity. 奖金与生产率挂钩。
- Which countries did this sea route link to? 那这条路线都能连通哪些国家呢?
- When you're done, click the "Copy to Clipboard" button and paste into your MDL. 翟烩些都做好了后,点击“copytoclipboard(拷贝到剪贴板)”按钮以将信息粘贴到你的模型中。
- Failed to reconnect link to server. 重新链接到服务器失败。
- Virus Link To Chronic Fatigue Syndrome? 慢性疲劳么?
- Change the selection from Served Link to You Host. 改变选曲送达链接。
- Track by Reference link to the left of the page. 连结,即可使用此参考资讯追踪您的货件。
- Block and a link to a cascading style sheet. 块和指向级联样式表的链接。
- Upload this file to the server, you can use Remote file manager to upload it and copy the Url to clipboard. 用我的阿易后台中的远程文件管理把这个文件上传到服务器,并把上传后的文件路径复制到剪贴板。
- Note from Ellie: Floral fragrances link to spirit! 埃莉的笔记:植物的香气与精神链接!
- For a link to download the NAS client. 中有下载NAS客户机的链接。