- Control to Forest Pest 森林有害生物控制
- The land previously cultivated returned to forest. 以前开垦过的那片土地现在又成了森林了。
- Exotic forest pest invasion:A threat to forest ecosystems in China 外来入侵种及其对森林生态系统的威胁:概念和对策
- To improve the forest pest control efficiency and reduce or avoid its externalities the governmental intervention was necessary. 林业有害生物防治管理需要政府的干预。
- They have remarkable resistance to forest fires. 它们对于森林火灾有惊人的抵抗力。
- It was shown in the paper that the forest pest control had the characteristics of a public goods and economic externalities. 用经济学的理论和方法对林业有害生物防治进行了分析和探讨,指出了林业有害生物防治具有公共物品特性和外部性经济效应。
- To bind the control to data, set the. 属性可以指定要绑定的属性。
- Dock the label control to the bottom of the form. 将标签控件放在窗体的底部。
- Index number of the View control to switch to. 要切换到的View控件的索引号。
- In comparison with integrated pest management and chemical control, the authors put forward a new strategy of forest pest control, named ecological control of forest pest (ECFP). 摘要与有害生物综合管理和化学控制比较后,作者提出了森林有害生物控制新策略-森林有害生物生态控制。
- Please press the controller to turn the machine on. 请按控制器来开机。
- PRINT does not transfer control to a CATCH block. PRINT不会将控制传输到CATCH块。
- At present, many research works focus on forest pest fields in Japan. 摘要该文重点对近2a日本松材线虫病的研究文献进行整理分析。
- Control to and from other data types. 类用于在与。
- Control to be larger and smaller. 控件调大和调小。
- Control to create subdivisions in a form. 控件创建格式中的各个子部分。
- Control to determine a course of action. 控件确定操作的进程。
- Control to display an XML document or XML stream. 控件以显示XML文档或XML流。
- Control to re-evaluate the data it returns. 控件重新计算它的返回数据。
- Toxicity Determination of the Extractions from 8 species Plants to Forest Pests 8种天然植物粗提物对林木害虫的毒力测定