- Control Fire Squad 射击控制班
- Use Charcoal Lever to control fire. 请用木炭阀来控制火势。
- The prisoner was put to death (by firing squad) at dawn. 那囚犯在黎明时被(行刑队)处决。
- Operations Guide: Mobile keyboard key or mouse control fire! 操作指南:键盘方向键移动,鼠标控制射击!
- He was executed by (a) firing squad. 他被行刑队执行枪决。
- They shot her by firing squad at dawn. 黎明时刻她被行刑队枪杀。
- The prisoners were executed by firing squad. 这些犯人已由行刑队枪决。
- The prisoner was put to death(by firing squad) at dawn. 那囚犯在黎明时被(行刑队)处决。
- The two Indonesian men are to be executed by firing squad. 这两名印尼男子将被枪决。
- In the third act of Tosca,the tenor faces a firing squad. 在托斯加的第三幕剧情中,我们的男高音将要面对一队行刑队;
- Ceausescu and his wife were executed by firing squad. 印尼的两位总统苏加诺和苏哈图含羞下台;
- Mirza was executed by a firing squad at Tabriz in 1850. 1850年他在大不里士(Tabriz)被处以火刑。
- Using the mouse to operate air combat games, the space bar to launch missiles against surface warships, the left mouse button to control fire. 用鼠标操作的空战游戏,空格键为发射导弹对付海面的军舰,鼠标左键控制射击。
- The verdict is not yet in, and biologists are still divided on the mechanism by which this Promethean plant managed to acquire and control fire. 这种普罗米修斯式的植物是如何获得火种控制火焰的?生物学家对其运行机制依然众说纷纭,莫衷一是。
- He confidently refused the blindfold as the firing squad was reassembled. 在行刑队重新站好后,他非常自信的拒绝了蒙面眼罩。
- To control fires, an alarm system, fire fighting teams, and beaters must be organized in advance and plans prepared. 为了控制可能的火灾,事前必须制定好计划并组织好警报系统,救火队和打火人员。
- PRAGUE (Reuters) - Two Czechs stuck in a billiard table while searching for a ball had to call the fire squad and were freed only when rescuers took the table apart, a newspaper reported Tuesday. 布拉格(路透社)--周二,据一家报纸称两名捷克人在找一枚台球时两人的手被卡在了台球桌里而不得不打电话给消防队,最后营救人员将桌子锯开后这才将把手拿出来。
- In order to control fire in minimum area the disposition of fire-extinguishing equipment is introduced and analyzed from the functions of fire hydrant system, fire sprinkle system and other aspects. 阐述了烟气的来源及其危害性,对灭火措施的设置作了介绍,对消火栓系统、自动喷洒系统、报警等的功能进行了分析,从而确保火灾控制在最小范围内。
- Coach said that when the firing squad must concentrate, to hit all the enemy of the body. 教练说过,打靶的时候一定要全神贯注,把所有注意击中到敌人身上。
- The reasons behind these appalling seasons of fire are many: forest management that attempted to control fires but instead made them worse, severe drought, even arson. 造成这些吓人的火灾季节,背后因素很多,像是试图控制火势但适得其反的森林管理、严重乾旱甚至纵火。