- Contract Change Directive 合同更改指令
- To cause(troops) to change direction by giving a command. 下令转向下命令使(军队)改变方向
- To change direction suddenly, as a ship in the wind. 改变方向风中的船等突然改变方向
- Flexible, team player able to change directions quickly. 灵活、团队合作和快速应变能力.
- From behind change Direction, dribbling breakthrough. 从背后转变方向,运球突破。
- Give trams plenty of room - they cannot change direction to avoid you. 应让出多些空间给电车驶过,因为电车不能以改变方向来避开其他车辆。
- See how this arrow changed direction? 看到这个箭头更改方向了吗?
- Corp members that do not have corp roles are no longer notified when corporate contracts change status. 当军团合同有状态改变时,军团中不具备一定权限的成员不会再收到通知。
- Preliminary Contract Change Proposal 初始合同变更建议
- It can be said that the stock market in 2008 it became the Callable Bull / Bear Contracts changing banking financial products "zero income" direct fuse. 可以说,2008年证券市场牛熊转变恰恰成为了银行理财产品“零收益”的直接导火线。
- During your concert,I was so moved,I knew then and there I needed to change direction. 在你的音乐会上,我深受感动,当场我就懂得我需要改变人生的目标。
- Changing direction by complete hydraulics,expand hoof type brake. 全液压转向,涨蹄制动。
- The guide plate be installed as can change direction three times before the steam enters the condense pipe. 导流板被安装成为能使蒸汽进入冷凝管之前改变方向三次。
- Give them a wide berth when you are passing and always be ready in case they wobble or change direction suddenly. 驾驶人在驶经他们时,应保持较阔的距离,并小心他们会否摇摆不定,或突然改变方向。
- Accidents can be prevented if other drivers know of your intentions to change direction. 如果其他驾驶人知你要转向,便可避免意外。
- A syndicate of local businessmen is bidding for the contract. 一个当地企业家的联合组织在向这一合同投标。
- Key game with about change direction arrow keys to accelerate and decelerate the space bar to jump. 游戏用左右键改变方向,上下键加速和减速,空格键跳跃。
- It is impossible for him to get off the contract. 他不可能解除契约对自己的束缚。
- You need more time to slow down and stop. You need more time to change direction. 慢驶或停车需要较长时间,改变方向也要较长时间。
- I'm under contract to teach here for one year. 我按照聘约要在这里教一年书。