- Continuance of the war will mean shortage of the food. 战争的持续意味着食品短缺。
- Can we hope for a continuance of this fine weather? 我们能够指望这样的好天气再持续一段时间吗?
- A strong continuity of tradition and custom had guided the redoubtable islanders of the Far East across the centuries. 传统和习俗的牢固延续,曾经引导这些可畏的远东岛民度过许多世纪。
- Nothing can ensure the continuance of love. 没有东西能担保爱情天长地久。
- We request a continuance of your patronage. 我们请求您继续资助。
- The older generation are respectful of tradition. 年老的一辈尊重传统。
- We solicit a continuance of your orders. 我们恳切希望贵公司能继续订购。
- We solicit a continuance of your order. 我们恳切希望贵公司能继续订购。
- This road is a continuation of the motorway. 这条公路是高速公路的延伸。
- We solicit a continuance of your patronage . 恳请继续对我们赞助。
- That idea flies in the face of tradition. 那主意有违传统。
- We solicit a continuance of your order . 我们恳切希望贵公司能继续订购。
- She’s no respecter of tradition. 她从来不尊重传统。
- We must ensure continuity of fuel supplies. 我们应该确保燃料供给不中断。
- Rhythm is still continuation of a rapid tradition. 节奏依然是延续了快速的传统。
- We solicit a continuance of your patronage. 希望能继续惠顾我们。
- Solicit a continuance of customer's patronage. 敬请顾客继续惠顾。
- This paper also expounds how to respect the demands of these two veins and actuate the continuity of traditional culture of Chengdu. 并论述了在城市建设中应如何尊重两大脉络需求,促使成都历史和传统文化的延承。
- He argued for a continuation of the search. 他主张继续搜查。
- We admire his continuance of work. 我们佩服他连续工作的精神。