- Contingency Support Staff 应急支援参谋
- To support staff with technical expertise. 给相关员工以专家观点的技术支持。
- We'll going to have to beef up our customer support staff. 我们得加强顾客服务人员。
- At the beginning we copy both line managers and support staff. 鲍伯:先将副本寄给直属主管以及助理。
- MIG has over 100 professional and support staff members. 公司拥有100余名专业的设计师。
- The IAEA team was made of ten inspectors and support staff. 我们希望伊拉克今天的态度能成为今后合作的一个示范。”
- Contingent Support Team was setting up the tents. 代表团支援队成员正在架设营帐。
- Mutha paid for the hotel rooms in Bangkok for 550 guests and 290 support staff. 穆萨支付了550位来宾和290名工作人员在曼谷住酒店的开销。
- The actions detailed above have been deemed inappropriate for World of Warcraft by the Support staff of Blizzard Entertainment. 以上的这些行为被暴雪支持工作人员认为是不适合魔兽世界游戏的行为。
- Engineers, managers, and support staff exploring and developing hydrocarbon reserves in salt-related structures. 地质师、地球物理学者、工程师和勘探开发盐构造中油气储量的援助人员。
- Have you tested your plan with your Mgr., Peers, business partners, and support staff? 你和你的主管、同事、业务伙伴以及下属职员一起测试过你的计划吗?
- I am please to officially announce that Andy Huang has joined the vB Support staff. 我很高兴正式地宣布安迪黄已经叁加vB支持职员。
- Automated Contingency Support Capability 自动紧急支援能力
- Automated Contingency Support System 自动化应急支援系统
- Our support staff has been extremely reduced, so we can have more funds available for refunds and basic operations. 我们的支撑杆极端被减少了, 如此我们能有更多资金可利用为退款和基本的操作。
- Perks to the COO position include a spacious office, a prestigious reputation, and numerous support staff. 当COO的好处包括很大的办公室、很高尚的名誉和庞大的后备支持队伍。
- Supervises support staff regarding translation and documenting the purchase of office supplies and equipments. 监督团队其他员工的翻译工作和办公用品及设备的采购文件。
- Assist Manager in the recruitment and selection of new designers, sales people and support staff. 协助店面经理招聘并选择新销售设计顾问和支持人员;
- Our customer support staff are professional and highly trained, offering efficient customer support 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. 我们的客户支持工作人员都受过专业的培训,为客户提供一天24小时,一周7天的有效支持。
- The introduction of the solution into the production environment, and trial by installers, systems support staff, and end users. 将解决方案引入生产环境,并由安装人员、系统支持人员以及最终用户试用。