- Contemporary marital problems 婚姻问题
- Marital status; marital problems. 婚姻状况; 婚姻问题
- He did not appear to have any financial or marital problems. 他看起来没有任何经济或婚姻问题。
- Faye Wong and Li Yapeng is a good family life, no marital problems. 王菲与李亚鹏现一家人生活得很好,没有出现婚姻问题。
- He did not give the impression of a man with marital problems. 他并没有给人留下在婚姻关系上有什么问题的印象。
- Overt expression of hostility is considered evidence of marital problems. 公然的敌意表现被认为是预示婚姻问题的前兆。
- A fading woman in her 40s, Larisa had both drinking and marital problems. 拉丽莎40几岁,徐娘半老,既爱喝酒,婚姻也不如意。
- Special agents are investigating whether he had any marital problems. 特勤人员正调查他是否有婚姻问题。
- She intimated that she and her husBand were having marital proBlems. 她含蓄地暗示她和她丈夫的婚烟出现了问题
- I regret getting involved with my daughter's marital problems; all it's done is to bring trouble about my ears. 我后悔干涉了我女儿的婚姻问题,现在我所做的一切将给我带来无穷的烦恼。
- I regret getting involved with my daughter's marital problems; all its done is t o bring trouble about my ears. 我后悔干涉我女儿的婚姻问题, 现在我所做的一切将给我带来无穷的烦恼。
- The more obedient daughters are, the more often there is no perfect life, especially the marital problems. 越是听话的女儿,往往越没有完满的人生,尤其是婚姻问题。
- Sometimes marital problems of the sort caused by differences in religious beliefs or deep-rooted philosophical differences can occur in the marriage. 有时,宗教信仰的差异也会造成婚姻之类的问题,或是根深蒂固的哲学看法分歧也会出现在婚姻之中。
- When prisoners have special family or marital problems,organs of the reform-through-labour institution do their best to help,working with relevant social organizations. 罪犯在家庭、婚姻等方面遇有特殊困难,劳改机关与社会联系,尽力帮助解决。
- When prisoners have special family or marital problems, organs of the reform-through-labour institution do their best to help, working with relevant social organizations. 罪犯在家庭、婚姻等方面遇有特殊困难,劳改机关与社会联系,尽力帮助解决。
- This is a 24-hour hotline service. Social workers will handle enquiries on various problems, including marital problems, personal setback, financial pressure and emotional abuse. 这是一个24小时的热线,社工将处理任何问题,包括婚姻、个人挫折、经济压力、精神虐待等。
- A few years inshow business to marry, did not drop the focus of attention is still popular, but PPLIVE television network today is not goodrumors about their marital problems. 结婚几年了在影视圈里并没有降人气依旧是关注焦点,但PPLIVE网络电视今天有不算好的传闻有关其婚姻问题。
- Marlowe was contemporary with Shakespeare. 马洛与莎士比亚是同时代的。
- From my observations, women who can compete on equal ground with their male counterparts in terms of ability, competency and drive and who can, at any time, easily take over from them, generally face marital problems at home. 据我观察,许多很有干劲,才智与办事能力俱强,凡事不落男人之后的女人,在工作领域平步青云,能随时把男人的职务取而代之者,但不少却面对着不愉快的婚姻生活。
- From my observations,women who can compete on equal ground with their male counterparts in terms of ability,competency and drive and who can,at any time,easily take over from them,generally face marital problems at home. 据我观察,许多很有干劲,才智与办事能力俱强,凡事不落男人之后的女人,在工作领域平步青云,能随时把男人的职务取而代之者,但不少却面对着不愉快的婚姻生活。