- Consensus of Sao Paulo 圣保罗共识
- He earned money by shining shoes and selling food on the streets of Sao Paulo. 他曾在圣保罗的路边擦皮鞋和卖食品来贴补家用。
- My own memories begin in the town of Bauru in the state of Sao Paulo when I was about four years old. 我是大约四岁在圣保罗州包鲁市开始记事的。
- Ceramist and plastic artist internationally well-known, is also a PhD Prefessor at the university of Sao Paulo. 她是国际知名的陶艺家和造型艺术家,同时也是巴西圣保罗大学的博士、教授。
- Real Madrid are set to be reported to FIFA over their pursuit of Sao Paulo defender Breno. 把圣保罗惹毛的不只拜仁一家,皇马也要被一起告上FIFA。
- "The State of Sao Paulo and Hubei province are two very similar regions, in terms of population and economy and they can share the solutions to common problems," Musa said. “无论是人口方面,还是经济方面,圣保罗州与湖北省非常相似,于是可以分享同样问题的解决方案。”
- Archeology of the Nobel Prize: the University of Sao Paulo, Brazil, the team will go to prove that pangolin archaeological trouble inside the hole. 诺贝尔考古学奖:巴西圣保罗大学的研究团队证明穿山甲会跑到考古坑洞里面捣乱。
- As for Brazil to win the first Olympic gold at this small Xiai Luo, Ji attended the press conference also received by the city of Sao Paulo in the parade convertible treatment. 像为巴西夺得本届奥运首金的小西埃洛一样,马吉在出席过新闻发布会后也获得了在圣保罗市乘敞篷车游行的待遇。
- Having outgrown the Sao Bernardo and Juventus teams in her native state of Sao Paulo, the goal-getter soon followed in Marta's footsteps and headed to European shores. 在圣保罗州的萨奥贝纳多和尤文图斯队成长起来,这位射手不久就追随玛尔塔的步伐前往欧洲。
- Just a few metres from the museum is the city's most photographed symbol: the ruins of Sao Paulo,the Jesuit church built in 1602,although today only its imposing stone facade remains. 离博物馆不远就是这个城市最具有标志性的建筑:圣保罗废墟,这是建于1602年的基督教教堂,尽管今天只有它那雄伟的石头砌成的正面留了下来。
- Just a few metres from the museum is the city's most photographed symbol: the ruins of Sao Paulo, the Jesuit7 church built in1602, although today only its imposing stone facade remains. 离博物馆不远就是这个城市最具标志性的建筑:圣保罗旧址,建于1602年的耶稣会教堂,尽管今天只有它那雄伟的石头砌成的正面仍保留下来。
- The Taubate Provisional Detention Center for prisoners awaiting trial near Brazil's biggest city of Sao Paulo was opened at the end of 2001 and has already had one publicized escape via an underground tunnel. 等候审判的陶贝特临时拘留中心位于巴西最大城市圣保罗附近,2001年底才启用,但这里已经发生过了一起广为人知的犯人通过地道逃走的事件。
- This article reviews 2003 International Architecture and Design Biannual Exhibition of Sao Paulo, elaborating the connotation and meaning of the theme of this exhibitionmetropolis. 本文回顾了2003圣保罗国际建筑与设计双年展,阐述了本次展览“大都市”主题的内涵和意义。
- Just a few metres from the museum is the city's most photographed symbol: the ruins of Sao Paulo, the Jesuit church built in 1602, although today only its imposing stone facade remains. 离博物馆不远就是这个城市最具有标志性的建筑:圣保罗废墟,这是建于1602年的基督教教堂,尽管今天只有它那雄伟的石头砌成的正面留了下来。
- What is the consensus of opinion at the meeting? 会议上一致的意见是什么?
- Neto, who grew up in a poor neighborhood of Sao Paulo, South America's largest city, made his name as a singer before making the jump to television as host of a Sunday variety show. 内图在南美洲最大城市圣保罗长大。他以歌手身份成名,随后投身电视娱乐界,主持一档周日电视综合栏目。栏目中最著名的一个板块名为“公主日”。在这一板块中,栏目组从贫民窟里挑选出一位妇女作为大奖得主。
- What is the consensus of opinion? 一致的意见是什么?
- This is a consensus of all the people in Taiwan. 这是全台湾人民的共识。
- Beneficent Islamic Society of Sao Paulo 圣保罗伊斯兰福利会
- What is the consensus of opinion at the afternoon meeting? 下午会议上一致的意见是什么?