- He is reputedly the last Mandarin bureaucrat in the Confucian tradition. 据说他是中国高级官员中最后一个还受儒家影响的官员。
- In the Confucian tradition, paternalism has been a pillar for the management of Japanese enterprises. 儒家传统中的家长制已成为日本企业管理的支柱。
- The foundation of this rule is a loyalty based on the Confucian tradition of intimate filial piety. 这条规则的基础是忠诚,建立在孔子的孝顺传统之上。
- The different time official although has differently in the performance, but it essentially actually all conforms to the Confucianist tradition classical religious doctrine. 不同时期的循吏虽在表现上有所不同,但其本质上却都符合儒家传统的经典教义。
- As she began to embrace her heritage,she was able to argue against those who condemned the Confucian tradition as submissive. 她开始接受她的儒家思想遗产,并反驳那些指儒家传统为屈服于当权者的人士。
- She began to embrace her Confucian heritage,she was able to argue against those who condemned the Confucian tradition as submissive. 她开始接受她的儒家思想遗产,并反驳那些指儒家传统为屈服于当权者的人士。
- As she began to embrace her heritage, she was able to argue against those who condemned the Confucian tradition as submissive. 她开始接受她的儒家思想遗产,并反驳那些指儒家传统为屈服于当权者的人士。
- She began to embrace her Confucian heritage, she was able to argue against those who condemned the Confucian tradition as submissive. 她开始接受她的儒家思想遗产,并反驳那些指儒家传统为屈服于当权者的人士。
- Some experts argue that Asians remain wedded to the idea because Confucian tradition emphasizes respect for hierarchy and order. 一些专家解释说,亚洲国家对这一想法的着迷源于其儒家传统,强调对阶级和秩序的尊重。
- And there are also cultural legacies to deal with: India’s Licence Raj destroyed management skills, while China’s Confucian tradition still emphasises “face” over innovation. 各国的传统文化也为人才的成长制造了障碍:印度“许可证为王”的文化与现代管理理念格格不入,而中国的儒家思想现在仍然一味强调“面子”排斥革新。
- Inspired by the Confucian tradition of meritocracy, Beijing practices, though not always successfully, performance legitimacy across the whole political stratum. 受儒家文化的熏陶,北京的行为,尽管不总是正确,却总是能够合法的通过整个政治阶层执行。
- The Confucian monotheism, deviating from the Neo - Confucian tradition on some fundamental points of cosmology and values, constituted a new trend of thought together with the Western theological philosophy introduced by missionaries. 儒家一神论在宇宙观及价值观的根本点上背离了新儒家道统,它与传教士输入的西方神哲学体系共同构成了一个新的思想统绪。
- In this deep-rooted Confucian tradition, the concept of Ethics under the influence of warlords and political characteristics can be summarized as follows: Yong-bing, separatism, and Takeharu. 在这种儒家传统伦理思想根深蒂固的观念影响下,军阀政治的特征可以概括为:拥兵、割据和武治。
- On one hand, he fell heir to Confucian traditional thoughts such as piousness and fraternity, determination, education, frugality. 他的家庭教育思想继承了儒家传统家庭教育中的孝悌、立志、重教、勤俭等许多精华思想,但也存在浓厚的封建宗法意识。
- Administrant characteristics of family and family firm are influenced and restricted by Confucian traditional culture, however pivotal issue is how to look on “people”. 家族及家族企业的管理特点,深受中国儒家传统文化的影响与制约,其中最关键的问题是如何看待“人”。
- How far does the tradition go back? 这传统有多久的历史了?
- He is a famous Confucian scholar. 他是一位有名望的研究孔子的学者。
- The story is based mainly on tradition. 这故事主要来自传说。
- The idea of the rule of law is born in the western cultural context.Its introduction into the Korea society where Confucianism tradition is profound would undergo a difficult systemization process. 摘要法治观念产生于西方文化语境中,它在深受儒教传统影响的韩国社会的植入必然有其艰难的制度化历程。
- They still follow the tradition of their fathers. 他们仍然继承著他们祖先的传统。