- Confucian school ideas 儒家思想
- Daoism of this period was still as dominant ideas,combined Confucian school and Buddhism and formed unique theory,so it made the philosophy of Daoism substantial progress. 这一时期的道教仍以老庄道论为本 ,同时又结合儒学、融合佛学 ,形成了独特的理论 ,使道教哲学得到长足的发展。
- Mencius was the most famous scholar of the Confucian School after Confucius. 孟子是我国古代继孔子之后最著名的儒家学者。
- The social and political ideas of the Confucian school in East Asia had"communalism"as the value orientation with the Confucian School in China and in South Korea as the representatives. 东亚儒家的社会政治思想是以“社群主义”为价值取向的,它在历史上呈现为中国儒家与韩国儒学为代表的典型类型。
- This idea rose from combination of the golden mean of the Confucian School and liberalism from Great Brain. Its idea of modernization and cultural reform consists in melting cultural elements of China and of the West in a moderate gradual reform. 民初调和思潮以杜亚泉、章士钊、李大钊、蔡元培等为思想代表,其思想熔儒家中庸思想与英伦自由主义于一炉,在现代化与文化革新问题上,主张融合中西新旧与温和渐进改革;
- He had reasonable ideology and he criticized the Buddie and the Taoism and the idea of immortal.Furthermore, he inherited the Confucian school that participate in the society actively . 他具有通达的思想,在散文中对佛教、道教、鬼神迷信、神仙之说进行了批判,继承了儒家积极入世的思想。
- His critical summarizing and inheriting Shongming idealist philosophy has pushed forward Chinese new Confucian school. 他对宋明理学所作的批判性总结和继承,推动了中国新儒学的发展。
- Insofar as the history of thoughts is concerned, the reform manifests the mad side of the Confucian school. 从思想史的角度看,改制事件彰显了儒家政治思想中的癫狂性格;
- Quian Mu makes a claim that Confucius and Analects are the source of the academic paradigm and personality of the cultivation of Confucian school. 钱穆认为《论语》与孔子正是揭示一个完整的儒家学术原型与人格成德的典范。
- Explores the curriculums building,the construction of the contingent of teachers,teaching reform,Style of study and construction of school ideas. 探讨我校中外合作办学的教学计划,师资队伍建设、教学改革、学风建设等。
- This dissertation tries to construct the Law World in the sky of Confucian school of idealist philosophy of the Song-Ming dynasties. 本文试图在宋明理学的天空下构筑法的世界。
- In the history of thought, "The Analects of Confucius" represents the philosophy achievement of the early the Confucian school. 在思想史上,《论语》代表了早期儒家的哲学成果。
- The college has a extracurricular teacher troop: theory unify practice; international leading teaching system and school idea. 学院拥有一支独具特色的教师队伍:理论派和实践派相结合;具有国际领先的教学体系及办学理念。
- Though they had different features of historical forms,they had the basic traits of the communalism of the Confucian School in East Asia. 这两种类型的社群主义尽管在历史形态上各有其不同的特征,却具有其作为东亚儒家社群主义的基本品格。
- As the last founder of the Confucian school in feudal society, Zhou Taigu summarized and developed the previous political thoughts of Confucian school. 作为封建社会最后一个儒家学派的创始人,周太谷的政治思想是对以往儒学政治思想的一次总结和发展。
- Qi Song (1007-1072) was the representative figure in Song Dynasty who prosed to reconcile Confucian school and Buddhism. 契嵩(公元1007-1072年)是北宋倡导儒释融合学说的代表人物,也是继三国牟融之后,第二个名动朝野的广西籍高僧。
- After Confucius died, the ethics of Confucian school has been divided into two branches because of the argument between empiricism and apriorism. 孔子之后由儒家伦理思想分开的两大派别,就是围绕著经验与先验之争而形成。
- In education, Luo Zenan revered the Confucian school of idealist philosophy of the Song and Ming Dynasties, and paid attention to the application of the educational method. 在教育方面则以理学为尊,注重教育方法的运用。
- Xun Zi, as the last great thinker of the Pre-Qin Confucian School, has made great contributions to the formation and development of Chinese literary and artistic thinking. 荀子作为先秦儒家的最后一位思想家,他对中华民族的文艺思想的形成和发展作出很大的贡献。
- Because of the influence of ‘Taoist school idea’, Chinese traditional literator painters in absolute pursuit of “feeling and art” possessed modernity. Pen and ink have strong nationality. 由于受“道”家等传统哲学观念的影响,文人画家对“心”与“艺”的自由性的绝对追求具有现代性;