- DuYu has not only an important status in the fields on Confucian researches, but also has a great deal of Confucian literary ideas. 摘要杜预不仅在经学史上占有重要地位,还具有丰富的儒家文艺思想。
- Confucian literary ideas 儒家文艺观
- Zhou Zuoren's view on prose in his prefaces and postscripts make us better know the changes in his literary ideas and the traces of his prose creation. 管窥周作人序跋中的散文观,可以使我们更好地把握周作人文学思想的演变以及散文创作的轨迹。
- For opposing traditional literary ideas and dichotomy of Content/Form, the claim, against interpretation, is brought forward by Susan Sontag. 为反对传统的“内容说”,解构“内容尹形式”的二分法,桑塔格提出“反对阐释”的美学主张。
- Fei Ming and Lu Xun protrayed history and the soul of human being from their different points of view,and with their own personal literary ideas. 废名与鲁迅以这两种相异的审视视角切入历史,切入人类心灵深处,于其中寄托了他们各自的文学理想。
- Confucian literary critical senses 儒学文艺观
- It is the trends of thought in culture of post-modernism that have an effect on literature, the literary idea of post-modernism expressed in literary linguistic. 这些变异语言,是后现代主义文化思潮对中国新时期文学影响的结果,是后现代文学观念在文学语言层面的具体表现。
- Zhou who believes in Esperanto during the Five-Forth Movement contacts the literature with the humanism, the evolution, the new villages and presents the moral literary ideas in the pre-forty period. 相信世界主义的五四时期的周作人就把文学与人道主义、进化论、新村思想等联系起来,四十年代初期更主张伦理的文学观。
- The plenty and depth of ideological contents depend on Zheng Zhenduo's literary ideas that are different from the traditional ones.The realizability and militancy are the most prominent chara... 思想内容的丰富深刻取决于郑振铎与传统不同的文学观念,现实性与战斗性是郑振铎文学观念最突出的特点。
- This paper tries to explore the inner contact between ShenCong-wen and Taoism in terms of his literary idea, aesthetic standards, criticism for knowledge, and the opinons of rebuilding culture. 沈从文的文艺观、美观、知识的批判及文化重造的构想等方面都体现出与道家思想的内在精神联系。
- Classical Confucian Literary Moralisation Theory and the Sense of the World 原始儒家文学教化说与天下观
- the literary ideas of the Beijing School 京派文学理念
- On Ding Ling's Literary Idea of Critical Realism 论丁玲的批判现实主义文学思想
- He is a famous Confucian scholar. 他是一位有名望的研究孔子的学者。
- Confucian Literary Views of Utilitarianism and "Writings Are for Conveying Truth" 儒家功利主义的文学观与"文以载道"
- He rode roughshod over all opposition to his ideas. 他恣意压制所有与他相左的意见。
- Her poetry is full of obscure literary allusions. 他的诗里用了很多晦涩的文学典故。
- An idea popped into his mind like a flash. 他头脑里突然闪过一个念头。
- His political ideas are rather extreme. 他的政治思想相当极端。
- I don't like to read his literary criticism. 我不喜欢读他的文学批评。