- It summarized the concept, categorization, making, research status quo and progress of concept map and its application. 从概念图的概念、分类、制作、研究现状及进展、在护理教学中的应用等方面进行了综述。
- To attain the purposes above, efficient teaching policy is needed based on the designing of concept map. 而要达到上述目的,需要在设计概念地图的基础上,采用有效的教学策略。
- Then according the adaptive hypermedia model, we bring up a tentative idea that designing an adaptive web course which based on concept map. 并据此结合现行适应性超媒体参考模型,挖掘适应性超媒体参考模型的适应性内容。
- First, items including title and show, raters and marking methods have an effect on reliability of concept map at different levels. 其中评分方法对被试能力的影响最大,其次是题目(主题或两者结合),最后是评分者。
- This paper is about how to teach and learn writing with concept map based on the instructional experiment in the fifth grade. 论文以五年级学生为教学试验对象,研究如何运用概念图工具辅助小学语文写作教与学;
- It is for this reason that metadata concepts map so well to AOP concepts. 因此,元数据概念与AOP概念非常匹配。
- The same or similar concepts and propositions are accommodated in the integrated concept map. 在综观概念图中,相同或是相似的概念词以及命题会被综合在一起。
- Conklin, J.W., Jr.(1990), Concept maps to promote meaningful leaning. 施郁芬、陈如琇(民85):情境脉络与学习迁移。
- The Research Summary of Concept Map in China 我国概念图研究概览
- In your discussion, explain why the selected story is particularly amenable to representation as a concept map, and explain how the concept map works to illustrate the concepts involved in the story. 译:在讨论里,解释何以被选择的故事经得起检验,可以是概念图代表作。并解释该概念图是如何说明故事里意含的思想观念。
- There is a map of the world on the wall. 墙上有张世界地图。
- Arthur J Baroody, Bobbye H Bartels. (2000). Using concept maps to link mathematical ideas. Mathematics Teaching in the middle school, 5(9), 604. 谭宁君(1996)。面积与体积的教材分析。载于甯自强主编:八十四学年度数学教育研讨会论文暨会议实录汇编,27-37。国立嘉义师范学院。
- He spread the map flat out on the floor. 他把地图平铺在地上。
- The road we should take is marked on the map. 我们要走的路已经标在地图上了。
- This study presents an integrated concept mapping system to aid students in promoting their self-awareness in conceptual structure. 摘要:本研究提出一种综观概念图系统来辅助提升学生在概念架构的自我觉察程度。
- On the map the drains of each field are laid sown. 地图上标有每一块地的排水沟。
- Cliburn, J. W. (1990), Concept maps to promote meaningful learning., Journal of College Science Teaching, (February), 212-217. 黄万居(1993);国小学生酸碱概念发展之研究;国科会专题研究成果报告;.
- His viciousness is beyond our conception. 他的狠毒非我们所能想像。
- I found this old map in the family archives. 我在家谱中发现了这幅旧地图。
- I prick the map with a pin to show our route. 我用大头针在地图上扎孔标出我们的路线。