- Component Control Index 部件控制索引
- VFA is a very important control index in the anaerobic reactor operation. 挥发性脂肪酸(VFA)是厌氧反应器运行中重要的控制指标。
- The process and control index of extracting xylenol from the by_product produced from coal tar processing is described. 叙述了从加工煤焦油产生的副产品中提取二甲酚的工艺及控制指标 ,具有很高的借鉴价值。
- The content of breviscapin was determined by a HPLC method with scutellarin as quality control index. 结果自制骨架缓释片的批内释放均一性、批间工艺重现性良好,但受高湿影响较大,应密闭保存。
- The process and control index of extracting xylenol from the by_product produced from coal tar processing is described.It has a high reference value. 叙述了从加工煤焦油产生的副产品中提取二甲酚的工艺及控制指标,具有很高的借鉴价值。
- Chinese rice wine is a precious treasure in China, featuring the non-sugar solidity of which is a control index in the standard of Chinese rice wine. 摘要非糖固形物是黄酒国家标准中的控制指标,也是黄酒生产企业普遍关注的一个问题。
- The toxicant that contains actually to furniture uses material, coating pledges or the control index such as radioactivity offers the regulation such as the specification. 对家具所用材料、涂料实际含有的有毒物质或放射性等控制指标给予说明等规定。
- Over-length or several times length staple fibre is a regular control index in PET staple fibre pro-duction.It has great influence on the downstream textile production. 超长、倍长在涤纶短纤生产中是一项常规控制指标,在生产中受全流程各方面因素影响,它的数值高低对下游纺织生产质量影响很大。
- The first component controls the scanning of documents into your computer by using any installed scanner. 第一个组件通过使用任何安装的扫描仪控制将文档扫描到您的计算机中的过程。
- Hydroxymethyl furfural is the principle quality control index in glucose injections. The source, influence factors, different test methods and limits are discussed. 讨论了葡萄糖注射剂中的主要质控指标5-羟甲基糠醛的产生因素、检测方法及限度。
- Editor's Note: May 31, 2006.Somewhere between May 18 and May 30, 2006, this mind control index page was surreptitiously erased from my web server and even from my hard drive. 编者注:2006年5月31日2006年5月18日至5月30日期间的某个时候,这个精神控制索引页被暗中从我的网络服务器上甚至从我的硬盘上删除了。
- The reference controlling index for brome in wheat field is 50.8 ears/m~2. 初步确定了麦田雀麦防除指标为50.;8穗/m~2或10
- Suggestion on safety critical component control 安规器件的控制建议
- According to diversity indexes of main arthropods in each organic tea garden, to establish activity control index. 根据各茶园的益、害节肢动物多样性指数,制定了以群落多样性为指标的动态防治指标。
- Defective Part and Component Control Program 残缺零件与部件控制计划
- Winsock control component control 设计
- Diesel vehicles mainly by the diesel engine, transmission, chassis, body, bogies, coupler buffer devices, brakes, assistive devices and components control and monitoring devices. 柴油机车主要由柴油机、传动装置、车架、车体、转向架、车钩缓冲装置、制动装置、辅助装置和控制与监测装置组成。
- The amount control index before entering into sewage treatment system is: CODcr 3300 kg/day, BOD5 1650 kg/day, NH3-N 330 kg/day. Therefore, the sewage in Phoenix City must be treated in depth so as to meet the requirement of capacity for development. 进入污水处理系统前的总量控制指标为:CODcr 330Okg/日、Boos一650kg/日、NH3一N 330kg/日,因此必须对珠江凤凰城的污水进行深度处理才能满足开发的容量要求。
- The optimum control index for the application of circulating water are determined through the dynamic simulated test and the study of the performance of the corrosion and scale inhibitors. 通过控制循环冷却水动态模拟试验条件,研究阻垢缓蚀剂的性能,确定循环水应用的最佳控制指标。
- The inverter controls main drive, the serve motor , the pneumatic components control the Auto-doffer. The machine ensures safety and reliability. 变频器控制主传动,伺服电机、气动控制自动落纱,性能安全可靠。