- Complex sandstone reservoir 复杂砂岩油藏
- The laboratory research and field tests on movable gel as profile control and flooding for complex fractured sandstone reservoir were carried out in Huabei Oilfield. 室内研究和现场试验证明,华北油田在复杂断块砂岩油藏实施的可动凝胶调驱取得了突破性进展。
- Because of complex pore structure in low permeability sandstone reservoir,it was quite difficult to identify oil or water layer and e-valuate reservoir using normal methods. 低渗透砂岩油藏因其孔隙结构复杂,利用常规方法进行油水层识别和储层评价难度较大。
- Salinity-sensitivity evaluation in ultra-low permeability sandstone reservoir and its application. 特低渗透砂岩储层盐敏实验及应用。
- At home in these days main increase of OIP is the third genus reserve of the sandstone reservoir with low permeability. 致密低渗透储层中裂缝分布的研究,对提高低渗透储层的开发效果具有重要的理论及现实意义。
- The modeling of fracture system is the key of modeling a low permeability sandstone reservoir. 建立低渗透砂岩油藏储集层模型以建立裂缝系统的数值模拟模型为重点。
- New technology-cold recovery can be successfully used in unconsolidated sandstone reservoir. 冷采被用作一种新的采油工艺可以成功地用于未胶结砂岩中的稠油。
- In Shuanghe area, the updip pinch-out sandstone reservoir and the fault-lithologic reservoir dominate over others. 双河地区形成砂岩上倾尖灭及断层岩性复合油气藏;
- The heavy oil reservoir of Liao Oilfield is unconsolidated sandstone reservoir,its oil viscosity is very high,sanding is serious. 辽河油田部分稠油油藏地质结构疏松、原油粘度较高、出砂状况较为严重;
- Taking well LS1 of Tuha oilfield as example,this paper presents oil testing technology of low permeability fractured shaly sandstone reservoir. 以吐哈油田LS1井为例,介绍了低渗透裂缝性泥砂岩层的试油技术。
- The Upper Triassic Yanchang Formation in the Fuxian area is totally a very low porosity and permeability sandstone reservoir. 研究表明,陕北富县延长组总体为特低孔渗砂岩储层。
- Distribution of overpressure is plotted in vertical and in plane based on a number of data of measured pressure in sandstone reservoir. 根据大量实测压力数据,得出了川西地区异常压力在纵向和平面上的分布规律。
- This technology is suitable for diversion acidization of high temperature heterogeneous multiple-layer sandstone reservoir. 该酸化工艺适合高温非均质多层砂岩油藏分流酸化。
- It indicates that the mode of complex rhythmite reconstruction can be used to effectively improve the development result in sandstone reservoirs with extra-high water cut. 说明提出的复杂韵律层重组模式能有效改善特高含水砂岩油藏水驱开发效果。
- Gasikule Oilfield is a typical low permeability sandstone reservoir with strong inter-layer and intra-layer heterogeneity. 尕斯库勒油田为典型的低渗透砂岩油藏,储层差异大,层间、层内非均质严重。
- The pore distribution of the sandstone reservoir is comparatively centralized.The reservoir inhomogeneity is mainly caused by the throat inhomogeneity. 研究区砂岩储层的孔隙分布较为集中,储集层非均质性主要由喉道非均质性引起。
- The Toutunhe sandstone reservoir in Niuquanhu area of Santanghu oilfield is mainly lithic sandstone,with an average porosity of 19. 吐哈油区三塘湖油田牛圈湖区头屯河组砂岩储层主要为岩屑砂岩,平均孔隙度为19。
- The authigenic illite in the sandstone reservoir was only formed in the diagenetic phase with mobile K??rich pore water. 砂岩储集层中自生伊利石仅在流动的富钾孔隙水介质环境下才能形成,烃类流体注入储集层后自生伊利石形成便会中止;
- The most of compaction sandstone reservoir of Permian is quarz sand,containing much secondary pores and less primary pores. 二叠系致密砂岩储集层多为石英砂岩,原生孔隙不发育、以次生孔隙为主。
- The pore structure character of sandstone reservoir is the base of exerting the productivity of sandstone reservoir and enhancing the recovery efficiency of oil/gas. 砂岩储层的孔隙结构特征是充分挖掘砂岩储集层产能和提高油气采收率的基础。