- She is completely absorbed in her book. 她在专心致志地看书。
- She was completely absorbed in her task [work]. 她的心思完全集中在工作上了。
- He was completely absorbed with what he was doing. 他完全被他所从事的工作所吸引。
- She is completely absorbed in the movie. 她完全沉浸在电影中了。
- She was completely absorbed in her own affairs. 她全神贯注地干她自己的事。
- The boy was completely absorbed by the game. 游戏把男孩完全吸引住了.
- The lecture completely absorbed the attention of the audience. 报告把听众的注意力完全吸引住了。
- He was completely absorbed in his book and did not hear me call. 他在全神贯注地读书,没有听见我叫他。
- His lecture completely absorbed the attention of the audience. 他的报告把听众的注意力完全吸引住了。
- The showy world in which her interest lay completely absorbed her. 她所神往的这个花花世界完全把她吸引住了。
- Propranolol is almost completely absorbed following oral administration. 心得安口服能完全吸收。
- He was completely absorbed in reading and forgot even to take his meal. 他只顾看书,连饭都忘了吃。
- Apply Moisturizing Olive Oil Cream, gently massaging until completely absorbed. 取适量涂抹按摩至完全吸收,可在上彩妆前使用为基底。
- This leads to a secretive manner, or even an attitude of completely absorbed enjoyment. 于是以诡秘状的形式,甚至欣赏其中谜一般的情绪。
- After washing apply this cream on the face and then gently rub the face or skin until thecream is completely absorbed. 早晚洁面后,将本品擦于面部,轻轻按摩至完全吸收。
- Directions: Use daily after cleansing and toning. Apply several drops to your face and neck. Massage gently until completely absorbed. 用法:每天洁面、爽肤后,滴数滴于面部及颈部轻按至吸收。
- Completely absorbed in his art, often working at night to avoid interruption, Picasso created as naturally as he breathed. 毕加索全神贯注于他的绘画,往往在夜间挥毫以继续白天的工作,一气呵成,他创作起来如同呼吸一样自然。
- Use it after the skin completely absorbing Firming Lotion. 与紧肤水调理肌肤,并待之完全吸收后使用。
- Fortunately, the prioress, completely absorbed in her own thoughts, did not hear it. 幸而那位院长,一心想她的事,没有听见。
- Usage : take appropriate amount upward spiral Looped, eyelid surface next 10 -15 minutes until completely absorbed. 用法:取适量本品,向上螺旋式打圈,涂于上下眼睑10-15分钟至完全吸收。