- Complete unilateral cleft palate with cleft lip 完全性单侧腭裂伴唇裂
- maxillary protraction complete unilateral cleft lip and palate 单侧完全性唇腭裂
- Orthodontic treatment of dental arch transverse disharmony in complete unilateral cleft lip and palate patients 单侧完全性唇腭裂术后患者牙弓间宽度不调的矫治
- Keywords complete unilateral cleft lip and palate standard cephalometry maxillary palatoplasty; 关键词单侧完全性唇腭裂;标准头颅侧位片;上颌骨;腭裂修复术;
- The study of maxillary protraction face mask combined with orthodontics for complete unilateral cleft lip and palate patients 上颌骨前牵引器与正畸联合治疗单侧唇腭裂的评价
- Complete unilateral cleft lip 完全性单侧唇裂
- Objective To explore the reparative operation on the unilateral cleft lip. 目的:探讨先天性唇裂的修复技术。
- Objective Study the maxillary growth for the unilateral cleft lip and alveolus. 目的为了客观研究唇裂伴牙槽裂畸形状况下上颌骨生长发育变化规律。
- The improved millard method is the fairly good method of repairing unilateral cleft lip. 改良的Millard法修复单侧唇裂对唇部和鼻畸形均得到了良好的矫正。
- Objective To explore a general and reliable treat pattern for the unilateral cleft lip nasal deformity. 目的:探讨一个治疗唇裂继发畸形鼻畸形的较为全面、可靠的治疗模式。
- There are some different on maxillary growth in unilateral cleft lip repair between with millard and Tennison method. Millard法与 Tennison法修复唇裂对上颌骨生长发育的影响程度不同
- Objective\ To investigate the technique for unilateral cleft lip nasal deformities. 目的探讨单侧唇裂鼻整形的优良手术方法。
- Abstract: Objective Study the maxillary growth for the unilateral cleft lip and alveolus. 文摘:目的为了客观研究唇裂伴牙槽裂畸形状况下上颌骨生长发育变化规律。
- Objective\ To explore an ideal method for comprehensive correcting of the unilateral cleft lip nasal deformity. 目的探索单侧唇裂继发鼻唇畸形综合矫治的理想方法。
- Objective To improve some methods for the correction of the second deformity associated with unilateral cleft lip. 目的探讨单侧唇裂术后鼻唇畸形部分手术方法的改进。
- Fetal unilateral cleft lip and palate:Detection of enzymic anomalies in the amniotic fluid. Raposio E, panarese p, Santi PL palst Reconstr Surg,1999;103(2):391-394. 检测315例正常孕妇羊水中乳酸脱氢酶和肌酸磷酸酶水平,发现胎儿患单侧唇腭裂者(3例),两种酶含量显著升高。认为局部代谢改变与唇腭裂的发生有关。
- Objective To analyze the causes for scarring after unilateral cleft lip (UCL)operation in order to further improve the clinical repairing effectiveness of UCL. 目的 分析单侧唇裂术后瘢痕形成的原因 ,总结其防治方法 ,以改善单侧唇裂术后的修复效果。
- Complete unilateral cleft palate 完全性单侧腭裂
- Objective This study was to explore the pathological action of the adjacent connec- tive tissues of alar cartilage in unilateral cleft lip nose. 目的探讨单侧唇裂鼻畸形鼻翼软骨周边连接组织的病理解剖变化。
- Objective To analyze the efficacy of repairing unilateral cleft lip (UCL) with Millard method, and explore the individual operative procedure. 目的 对Millard法修复单侧唇裂的临床效果进行分析总结 ,探讨个体化修复单侧唇裂术式 ,以进一步改善单侧唇裂修复术后的效果。