- One, competitive law is so-called competitive law is to show the course that produces effect in law of value is medium, competitive happening and fluctuant inevitability. 一、竞争规律所谓竞争规律是指在价值规律发挥作用的过程中,竞争的发生和波动的必然性。
- Competition law cases and jurisprudence interpretation II. 竞争法案例·学理精解2。
- Introduction: the Evolution of Competition Law of Canada. 加拿大竞争法演化的介绍。
- The regulated objects of competition law are competitive behaviors,but the competitive state is the intermedium of the values of competition law. 竞争法的规制对象只能是竞争行为,竞争状态则是竞争法的价值媒介。
- Within the community, views differ on the introduction of competition law. 社会上对制定公平竞争法有不同的意见。
- Natural relationship exits between anti-dumping law and competition law. 摘要反倾销法与竞争法存在一些天然的联系。
- On Competitive Law of Multi-level Marketing 多层次传销的竞争法考察
- On Dump in View of the Competitive Law 竞争法视野中的倾销
- The Delegation wished to propose that WIPO start work on the issue of competition law. 南非代表团建议WIPO就竞争法的问题开展工作。
- It is a systematic attempt to strengthen our competitive ability. 那是为增强我们的竞争能力而作的有计划的努力。
- Two studies have been commissioned on the interface between intellectual property and competition law. 已委托开展两项关于知识产权与竞争法之间关系的研究。
- The Encyclopedia of Competition Law collates and consolidates all the diverse s. 竞争法百科。
- Other: product liability, competition law, environmental, litigation, real estate, etc. 其他:产品责任、反不正当竞争法、环境、诉讼、房地产等
- The third part conducts close analysis of typical cases of applying WTO DSU to the field of competition law. 第三部分,对WTO争端解决机制在竞争法领域适用的典型案例进行了分析。
- Please offer your most competitive price. 请报你方最具有竞争性的价格。
- Steven D.Anderman.EC Competition Law and Intellectual Property Rights.Clarendon Press Oxford1998.p.230. 王晓晔.;拥有知识产权不等于滥用市场优势地位
- We now have in place a strong competition law, with an independent and effective regulator in the ACCC. 澳大利亚目前拥有完善的竞争法以及独立和有效的监管机构澳大利亚竞争和消费者委员会。
- America is a competitive society. 美国是一个充满竞争的社会。
- It's getting very competitive in the car industry. 汽车工业方面的竞争日益加剧。
- Competition policy was being increasingly adopted all around the world and over 90 countries had some form of competition law. 竞争政策日益为世界各国所采用,90多个国家有某种形式的竞争法。