- Knitgoods have been being developed toward high grade due to the scientific &technical progress and the acute competition from market economy. 由于科技的进步,市场经济的激烈竞争,针织产品向高档化发展。
- Now the largest market, competition from discounted prices began. 岁末的申城楼市,竞争已从降价打折开始。
- The firm was badly hit by competition from abroad. 这家公司受到了来自国外竞争的打击。
- Competition view: The advantage comes from the difference and the success comes from market segments. 美生竞争观:优势来自差异,细分成就精彩。
- The small and medium-sized enterprises are facing the fierce competition from the international market side. 我国的中小企业,面临着国际市场的激烈竞争。
- His company was done in by competition from several firms. 由于几家公司参与竞争,他的公司给挤垮了。
- Monopoly: Is a Malfunction from Market or Government? 垄断:是市场失灵还是政府失灵?
- The community must separate research from market capitalization. 给企业另外的市场和机会!
- I'm afraid you're facing a stiff competition from other suppliers. 恐怕你们要面临与其他供应商的激烈竞争。
- Competition from abroad became fiercer in the 1990s. 在20世纪90年代来自国外的竞争加剧。
- The company faces stiff competition from its rivals. 公司遇到对手的激烈竞争。
- Products companies continue to face competition from low-cost market share brought about by stress. 公司各类产品继续面临由低价位竞争对手带来的市场份额的压力。
- Their item report under strong competition from Germany. 据说他们的同品遭到德国的激烈竞争。
- But there's competition from the synthetic products, too. 但是也有来自合成物质产品的竞争。
- ITG faces competition from some of the traditional exchanges. ITG正面临着一些传统型证交所的竞争。
- Nowadays competition from similar product be very keen . 现在同类产品的竞争十分激烈。
- Adding to a shrinking job market for graduates is the competition from their peers returning from studies overseas. 从海外留学回来的同龄人也给这些毕业生在缩小的招聘市场中增加了竞争。
- Especially in 2003, both of Gol 2-door car and Gol 4-door car were defeated in competition from the low-level car market. 尤其在2003年,接连推出的两款新车型高尔两门和高尔四门都在低端轿车市场的竞争中败下阵来。
- Competition from Market 市场竞争
- Methods Use SPSS EXCEL and other software to analyze the data collected from market research. 方法根据市场问卷调研,运用SPSS,EXCEL数据软件包及图表分析软件,对数据进行定量分析。