- L.S.Sealy, Company Law and Commercial Reality, Sweet& Max Well, 1984, P.1. 唐德华.;股份有限公司设立与内部运作法律实务(下册)[M]
- The first is the SME law"s background of the corporate system and enterprise law. 本文探讨了三个问题:一是中小企业法的法人制度与企业法制背景。
- In response, Mr Caborn said the takeover did not break company law and was outside the remit of his department. 作为回应,卡伯恩先生说收购行动并没有违反公司法,阻止这个就超出了他的部门的职能范围。
- The IPOmust accord with the company law, the securities law and the rules of CSSC. 企业股份制改组后申请发行上市应符合公司法、证券法等法律规定和中国证监会的有关要求。
- The issuer shall submit to the said authority the application documents prescribed in the Company Law and the relevant documents specified by the authority. 发行人必须向国务院证券监督管理机构提交公司法规定的申请文件和国务院证券监督管理机构规定的有关文件。
- This is provided in article 64 of the Chinese Company Law and it will reduce the burden of proof required of the creditors. 这规定在中国公司法第64条中,并且,该条规定降低了一人有限责任公司债权人的举证负担。
- Lawyer Zheng has a good background of law and has a special interest in company law, contract law, real estate law, finance law, tort law and marriage and family law. 具备扎实的法学理论功底,对公司法、合同法、担保法、房地产法、金融法、侵权法、婚姻家庭法等民商事法律有较为深入的研究和理解。
- The issuer shall submit to the authority in question the application documents specified in the company law and the relevant documents specified by the authority in question. 发行人必须向国务院证券监督管理机构提交公司法规的申请文件和国务院证券监督管理机构规定的有关文件。
- In reference to American and British Security Law and Company Lavv.the author of the thesis put forward some suggestions to our company law and security law. 本文利用比较的方法,参照美国英国证券法、公司法,提出对我国证券法、公司法的一些意见,由于我国公司法、证券法还很不完善,因此应该借鉴各国先进的法律制度。
- Detailed regulations concerning liquidations of foreign invested companies are set out in the various enterprise laws and regulations of the PRC. 但目前来说,国内的监控架构仍存在著不明朗之处。
- Law and order is vital to a country. 法律和秩序对一个国家很重要。
- Company Law and Securities Law newly implemented in China legalize private placement and transfers of securities in the country, which is to embrace great development in this area. 摘要2005年修订后的《公司法》、《证券法》为我国证券非公开发行与转让打开了制度空间,我国将面临证券非公开发行与转让市场大扩容和大发展的形势。
- Lay heavy stress on law and order. 主要重点放在法律和秩序上。
- The issuer shall submit to the department authorized by the State Council the application documents prescribed in the Company Law and the relevant documents specified by the said department. 发行人必须向国务院授权的部门提交公司法规定的申请文件和国务院授权的部门规定的有关文件。
- Computer forensics and enterprise security II. 电脑鉴识与企业安全2。
- If law and order break down, anarchy will result. 法治一垮,就会出现无政府状态。
- The police are guardians of law and order. 警察是维护法纪的人。
- It cover foreign loan to government department and enterprise and direct foreign investment. 这包括对政府部门和企业的外国货款以及直接的外国投资。
- Anyone who violates law and discipline must firmly be slapped down. 对于任何违法乱纪的人都必须坚决予以打击。
- The police chief criticize the council's stand on law and order. 警察批评了委员会对法律和秩序的立场。