- It will be removed when I select 'Compact This folder' 将在选择"压缩此文件夹"时删除
- Please enter a shared name for this folder. 请为该文件夹输入共享名。
- There are dozens of photos in this folder? 文件夹里有很多照片,
- This folder contains data from the HAL plan. 这个文件夹没有可见的内容。欲添加内容,您可以点击添加按钮,或者从其他地方粘贴一个内容。
- There are no items to show in this folder. 该文件夹中没有项目可显示。
- This folder shows the results of your file search. 这个文件夹显示文件搜索的结果。
- On the Web Sharing tab, click Share this Folder. 在“Web共享”选项卡上,单击“共享此文件夹”。
- Disable filter rule for this folder? 禁用此文件夹的过滤器规则吗?
- Give them all full control of this folder. 给他们“完全控制”的权限。
- Please enter a name for this folder. 请输入该文件夹的名称。
- Drag the file you downloaded to this folder. 把你下载的文件拖动到这个文件夹里。
- Compact This folder 压缩此文件夹
- I will go through this folder when I get back to the hotel. 我回到饭店后会把这些资料看一遍的。
- This folder is often located on the secondary server. 该文件夹通常位于辅助服务器上。
- Arranges all the pictures in this folder into a slide show. 将此文件夹中的所有图片组织为一个放映幻灯片。
- Compacting this data can improve disk space use. 压缩此数据可以改善磁盘空间使用情况。
- The TFSFieldMapping. Exe utility program is in this folder. TFSFieldMapping.;exe实用工具程序位于此文件夹中。
- All the supplied/future patches should be copied into this folder. 所有的供应/未来的补丁应该复制到该文件夹。
- Woops! I accidentally deleted all the files in this folder. 糟糕!我不小心把文件夹里文件都给删除了。
- It is recommended to empty out this folder about once a month. 这个文件夹被推荐每个月清空一次。