- Provide services for all damageable parts, consumable parts, fittings of those compact spinning device adopting airflow condense and Lattice Apron form. 提供采用气流集聚、网格圈形式的紧密纺装置所有的易损件、消耗件、配套件服务。
- 5.Provide services for all damageable parts, consumable parts, fittings of those compact spinning device adopting airflow condense and Lattice Apron form. 提供采用气流集聚、网格圈形式的紧密纺装置所有的易损件、消耗件、配套件服务。
- Compact Spinning Device 紧密纺装置
- Double -ply compact-spin negative-pressure pipe: suitable for double-ply compact spinning of different fibers. 双股紧密纺负压管:适用于各种纤维的双股紧密纺。
- The result shows that fiber migr ation trend of traditional spinning is more than compact spinning, and fiber rad ial distribution of compact spinning is more random. 结果表明,紧密纺涤棉混纺纱中纤维的转移趋势不如传统环锭纱明显,纤维的径向分布也比环锭纺纱更随机。
- Material choice and processing optimizing are very important in reducing hairiness online,compact spinning technology can also reduce hairiness efficiently... 采用紧密纺纱技术可有效减少毛羽,浆纱工序通过采取湿分绞、高压上浆及预湿上浆等技术措施,可以改善和减少纱线的毛羽。
- A new type of condensator of compact spinning frame is designed, and a ring frame is thus reformed to be a compact spinning frame with this condensator. 摘要设计研制了新型的紧密纺集聚装置,并用它将普通环锭细纱机改造成为紧密纺纱机。
- The composition of compact spinning set in bast fiber spinning frame is introduced.The spinning result shows that compact spinning ramie yarn has great improve... 纺纱结果表明,紧密纺苎麻纱与传统环锭纺苎麻纱相比在毛羽、强力、条干及生产效率等方面均有较大改善,综合效益较好。
- As a subsidiary of Ningbo Yunsheng,Dechang relies on the resource advantage and support from headquarters to build up worle`s largest Compact spinning manufacture base. 依托其母公司宁波韵升整体资源优势打造全球最大的环锭紧密纺生产基地。
- This article discusses the reasons why the compact spinning with high quality yarn is different from the traditional annular hasp spinning. It also analyzes its application to the worsted wool fabric. 文章分析讨论了具有高品质纱线特征的紧密纺毛纱与传统环锭纺毛纱性能差异的原因,对紧密纺毛纱在精纺毛织物中的应用进行了分析。
- This article discusses the reasons why the compact spinning with high quality yarn is different from the traditional annular hasp spinning.It also analyzes its application to the worsted wool fabric. 文章分析讨论了具有高品质纱线特征的紧密纺毛纱与传统环锭纺毛纱性能差异的原因,对紧密纺毛纱在精纺毛织物中的应用进行了分析。
- The overhead cleaner, core spinning for Spandex and stubby yarn spinning devices are options for customers to choose. 吹吸风装置,纺氨纶包芯纱及竹节纱装置由用户选用。
- Spinning speciality of traditional bast fiber spinning frame and innovation methods by using compact spinning technology are analyzed, and principle of compact spinning is demonstrated. 分析了传统麻纺细纱机的纺纱特点以及利用紧密纺技术进行改造的方法,对紧密纺纺纱原理进行了论述,介绍了麻纺细纱机紧密纺装置的构成。
- Theorum of compact spinning are introduced?Avouched quality measures of machinery are analysed of compact spinning?Contradistinguished quality to ring spinning through experiment and test spinning. 介绍了立达紧密纺纱装置的纺纱原理和紧密纺纱的特点。通过纺纱试验和测试数据分析对比,证明紧密纺纱质量优于传统纺纱。
- After the adoption of the new technology of compact spinning,yarn quality was obviously improved,the environment of workshop was also obviously reconditioned and the output was obviously increased. 采用紧密纺后纱线质量明显提高,车间环境明显改善,产量明显提高。
- The application of compact spinning technique could reduce spinning triangular space to minimum, decrease yarn hairiness, improve yarn break strength and break elongation, decrease usual faults. 利用紧密纺纱技术可以最大限度地减小纺纱三角区,使成纱毛羽减少、单纱强力和断裂伸长率改善、常发性纱疵减少。
- The mechanism of causing yarn hairness is analysed.All kinds of measures of eliminating and reducing hairness are introduced.The mechanism of producing compact spinning yarn is also investigated. 对纱线毛羽的产生原因作了分析,介绍了对各种去除和减少毛羽的方法,并对紧密纺纱的生产原理作了研究。
- Radial distribution of compact spinning polyester cotton b lended yarn is analyzed by Hamieden migration index, and compared with tradition al ring spinning polyester cotton blended yarn. 引用汉密尔顿转移指数方法分析了紧密纺涤棉混纺纱纤维的径向分布,并与传统环锭纺涤棉混纺纱进行了比较。
- A display device that uses a cathode ray tube. 一种使用阴极射线管的显示装置。
- If took ten men to wrestle the device into place. 用了10个人才把那台装置挪动到位。