- Do you enjoy commuting to work every day? 你喜欢每天通勤上班吗?
- I have only a short commute to work. 我上班的路程很近。
- I spend much less time on my commute to work now. 我现在工作的往返时间要节省好多。
- Her commute to work will be easy. 她上下班交通会很方便。
- It is common for Angelenos to spend two hours commuting to work and school every day. 对于洛杉矶人来说,每天在上班或上学的路上花两个小时已是常事。
- In Taipei there are always tremendous crowds commuting to work and going to major events. 在台北总是有大量的人潮通勤上班,以及参加大活动。
- A growing number of people are ditching cars in favor of bikes for commuting to work or running to the supermarket, Blumenthal says. 更多的人放弃使用汽车而选择去超市购买能源的自行车代步。
- At the San Francisco Department of the Environment, the staff lead by example, recycling in creative ways and even commuting to work by bicycle. 旧金山环保局官员负责提升这些政策,员工也树立典?,发明资源再利用的方法、甚至还骑脚踏车上班。
- The idea for the wipers occurred while Kearns was commuting to Case Western Reserve University to work on his doctorate. 作为交换生在西储大学攻读博士学位时,他头脑中有了做雨刷的想法。
- Yes, London has its problems, the transport network willgroan, commuting to work will be a nightmare, it will cost a fortune toput on.True. 是的,伦敦也有自身的问题,它的交通系统将不堪重负,上班的路途将会是一个噩梦,而改变这些的花费将是很大的。
- I wonder how many people commute to work in this big city. 我不知道在这个城市里有多少人乘公交车上下班。
- We chose to live out of town and commute to work every day. 我们决意住在城外, 每天赶路上班。
- I was inspired to work harder than ever before. 我受激励比以往任何时候都更加努力地工作。
- The doctor is hoping to find two auxiliaries to work under him. 这位医生希望能找到两名帮他工作的助手。
- He owes his opulence to work hard. 他的财富乃辛勤工作得来。
- She rushed off to work leaving her bed unmade. 她匆忙去上班连床都没铺好。
- Heavy taxes indispose a citizen to work hard. 重税于国民不愿意辛勤工作。
- He can be left to work on his own. 工作可交给他一个人去做。
- He is a very nice person to work with. 他是一个很好共事的人。
- It wouldn't do him any harm to work a bit harder. 工作努力点对他没什么害处。