- We must uphold Communist Party leadership. 我们要坚持共产党的领导
- They are the most responsive to Communist Party leadership. 他们最听共产党的领导。
- The fourth characteristic is Communist Party leadership and the agrarian-revolution. 第四个特点是共产党的领导和土地革命。
- The essence of the Four Cardinal Principles is to uphold Communist Party leadership. 坚持四项基本原则的核心,是坚持共产党的领导。
- When the peasant associations,under Communist Party leadership,establish their authority in the countryside,the peasants begin to prohibit or restrict the things they dislike. 共产党领导农会在乡下树立了威权,农民便把他们所不喜欢的事禁止或限制起来。
- It is quite right for us to maintain Party leadership in the united front,but how should Communist Party members exercise Party leadership in their own work? 在统一战线中保持党的领导,这是很对的,但是共产党员在自己的工作中如何体现党的领导呢?
- They oppose Communist Party leadership and the socialist system,they call for total Westernization of China and adoption of the whole capitalist system of the West. 他们一方面反对共产党的领导,反对社会主义制度,另一方面又主张全盘西化,要把西方资本主义制度全盘搬到中国来。
- Nor can we take too lightly the so-called democrats and other persons with ulterior motives who flagrantly oppose the socialist system and Communist Party leadership. 还有公然反对社会主义制度和共产党领导的所谓“民主派”,以及那些别有用心的人。 对这些人也不能低估。
- They oppose Communist Party leadership and the socialist system, they call for total Westernization of China and adoption of the whole capitalist system of the West. 他们一方面反对共产党的领导,反对社会主义制度,另一方面又主张全盘西化,要把西方资本主义制度全盘搬到中国来。
- Up to now, the prince's reputation has been for a coldness verging on hostility towards China's Communist Party leadership, in particular because of its rule in Tibet. 克拉伦斯宫的发言人说,“王储会和中国的不同的任一起合作,来推动慈善事业。”王储已经平庸了一个年轻的中国人来具体参加他对中国的发展事业。
- To transform the grassroot political power fundamentally,under the Chinese Communist Party leadership Huazhong Anti-Japanese Base Area widely developed the gigantic democracy election movement. 为从根本上改造基层政权,中国共产党领导下的华中抗日根据地广泛开展了一场轰轰烈烈的民主选举运动。
- However, China's economy maintained good momentum of economic retrogression is not a member of the Communist Party leadership to see, therefore, the mainland will try to avoid the outbreak of war. 但目前中国经济发展势头良好,经济的倒退不是共产党领导所员看到的,因此,大陆会尽量避免战争的爆发。
- It is most essential to maintain absolutely independent Communist Party leadership in what was originally the Red Army and in all the guerrilla units,and Communists must not show any vacillation on this manner of principle. 在原有红军中及一切游击队中,共产党绝对独立领导之保持,是完全必要的;共产党员不许可在这个问题上发生任何原则上的动遥”
- It is most essential to maintain absolutely independent Communist Party leadership in what was originally the Red Army and in all the guerrilla units, and Communists must not show any vacillation on this manner of principle. (八)在原有红军中及一切游击队中,共产党绝对独立领导之保持,是完全必要的;共产党员不许可在这个问题上发生任何原则上的动遥”
- She's a member of the Communist Party. 她是共产党员。
- Jones has fallen out of favour with the party leadership. 琼斯失去了那个政党领导层的欢心。
- CPC stands for the Communist Party of China. CPC是中国共产党的英文名称缩写。
- How should the Communist Party exercise leadership? 共产党实现领导应该通过什么手段?
- The Communist Party of China is a party built on the Marxist- Leninist theory. 中国共产党是一个按照马克思列宁主义的革命理论建立起来的党。
- The Communist Party has aligned itself with the Socialists. 共产党与社会党结成了联盟。