- Communications And Data Link 通信和数据链路
- In data communications, a proposed standard by IEEE for local area networks dealing with the physical and data link layers. 在数据通信中,由ieee推荐的一种标准,用于处理局域网的物理层和数据链路层。
- Subscribers to a telex service can exchange textual communications and data directly with one another. 电传服务的用户可以相互直接交换文本书信和资料。
- Common Data Link (CDL) is a new technology used for transmitting real - time information and data from aero platform to ground bases, ships and aircraft. 通用数据链是用于空中平台和地面、海上、空中实时高速图像数据传输的新技术。
- WAN standards typically describe both physical layer delivery methods and data link layer requirements, including physical addressing, flow control, and encapsulation. 广域网路标准典型地描述实体层的传送方法和资料链结层的需求,包括实体层定址,流量控制和封装。
- The controller network adopts OMRON Controller Link structure and realizes at low cost a flexible data link and data sharing among SYSMAC products, SYSMAC and upper computer. 控制器网络层采用了OMRON的Controller Link网络体系结构,以低成本实现了SYSMAC同类产品之间或SYSMAC与上位计算机之间灵活的数据链接及数据共享功能。
- Different functions of the system including data input, dada storage, data communications and data display are realized on the platforms of C++ Builder and Paradox. 制定了系统监控软件中各种任务的优先级,利用C++ Builder、Paradox等工具实现了系统的监控软件的各项功能,包括数据录入、数据存储、数据通信和数据显示等。
- It is applicable for the secondary development. The gateway has implemented communication functions of CAN bus,RS485,RS232 and Ethernet on both physical and data link layers. 该网关在物理层和数据链路层实现了CAN总线、RS485、RS232和以太网的通信功能,在此基础上可以快速地实现以上几种接口的高层协议并对其进行相互转换。
- It is applicable for the secondary development.The gateway has implemented communication functions of CAN bus, RS485, RS232 and Ethernet on both physical and data link layers. 该网关在物理层和数据链路层实现了CAN总线、RS485、RS232和以太网的通信功能,在此基础上可以快速地实现以上几种接口的高层协议并对其进行相互转换。
- Currently, research of the third generation HF communication system based on MIL-STD-188-141B is at the very beginning, most of them are on physical layer and data link layer. 目前,国内对基于美军标MIL-STD-188-141B协议的第三代短波通信系统的研究方兴未艾,其中以物理层和数据链路层的研究为主。
- Itron's MV-WEB is an Internet-based communications and data access solution that provides energy market participants and large energy users with easy, web-based access to interval load and metering data. Itron的MV-WEB是一个基于英特网的通讯与数据访问解决方案,它使能源市场参与者与大型能源用户能够轻松地通过web访问定期负荷和仪表数据。
- The interface between the data processing terminal and data communication equipment. It involves not only digital data signals, but also signals for controlling the modem and the data link. 数据处理终端设备与数据通信设备之间的接口,它不仅包含数字式数据信号,而且还有控制调制解调器和数据链路的信号。
- Hubs and switches operate at the Data Link Layer. 开关运转枢纽和数据链路层。
- After introducing of the structure of hardware. Software system is described in detail,Different functions of main computer including data input, dada storage, data communications and data display are realized on the platforms of C++ Builder and Paradox. 论文对系统硬件结构介绍后,对上位机软件设计进行了详细说明,利用C++Builder、Paradox等工具实现其各项功能,包括数据录入、数据存储、数据通信和数据显示等;
- Voice and Data Communications Handbook II. 最新语音和数据通信手册2。
- Use the following tables to find out which Microsoft personal information manager and communication program is right for your enterprise communications and data management needs. 使用下表可以找出满足您的企业通讯和数据管理需求的Microsoft个人信息管理器和通讯程序。
- In SNA, the series of path control network components (path control and data link control) that are traversed by the information exchanged between two network a ddressable units(NAUs). A path consists of a virtual route and its route extension, if any. 在IBM系统网络体系结构(SNA)中,两个网络的可寻址单元(NAU)之间交换的信息所经过的一系列通路控制网络成分(路径控制程序和数据链路控制程序)。通路由虚拟路由及其扩充路由(如果有的话)所组成。
- The paper shows the design and implementation of the software and hardware of the network node controller in a new Packet Radio Network. The controller serves as the Network Sublayer and Data Link Layer device of the Packet Radio Network. 本文介绍了正在研制中的新型分组无线网节点控制器的软硬件设计与实现,该节点控制器用于完成分组无线网网络子层和数据链路层的功能。
- Ministry of Communications and Infrastructure. 比利时有通信与基础设施部
- Ministry of Communications and Transportation. 墨西哥有通信与交通部