- Then in 1853 came four American warships under Commodore Perry, and refused to be driven away. 后来,1853年,海军准将佩里率领的四艘美国战舰来到日本,拒不离开。
- Isolation till Commodore Perry appears and( indirectly) precipitates the Meiji restoration. 十八世纪美国海军准将泼莱率领舰队驶抵日本恢复对外贸易间接促成明治维新改革。
- Commodore Perry. 伯理司令。
- It was eventually Commodore Perry in 1853 and again in 1854 who forced the Tokugawa government to open a limited number of ports for international trade. 最终1853年和1854年船长佩里逼迫德川幕府开通一小部分的港口以进行对外贸易。
- The convoy commodore sees to the internal management of the convoy. 舰队司令官负责管理舰队的内部问题。
- The air commodore brief the bomber crew on their dangerous mission. 空军准将向轰炸机机组下达执行危险任务的各项指示。
- American Commodore, Perry, broke to sakoku policy of Tokugawa Japan in the hope of exploiting the resources of Japan. 美国海军准将;培里;打破了德川日本的锁国政策;以剥削利用日本的资源.
- The police watched Perry bring drugs to the fence. 警察看见佩里把毒品拿给买卖赃物的人。
- Former president Millard Fillmore had sent Navy Commodore Matthew Perry to Asia. 他还曾经是美国国会的参议员和众议员,在十九世纪四十年代后期的美墨战争期间,他在军队任职。
- The Air Commodore briefed the bomber crew on their dangerous mission. 空军准将向轰炸机机组下达执行危险任务的各项指示。
- Mr. Perry had remonstrated with him about it. 关于这一点伯里先生还规劝过他。
- Except for Mr Lucas, Perry should be dead by now. 要是没有卢卡斯先生相救,佩里现在已经没命了。
- Welcome to the crew, former commodore. 欢迎加入我们的队伍;前司令官.
- Commodore, do you really intend to kill my rescuer? 准将,难道你要杀了我的救命恩人吗?
- Except for Mr Lucas,Perry should be dead by now. 要是没有卢卡斯先生相救,佩里现在已经没命了。
- Are you accepting the commodore's proposal? |你接受司令官的求婚了?
- His name was Calbraith Perry Rodgers. 他的名字叫卡布瑞斯?罗杰斯,
- Perry: Lois. How's the undercover work coming? 露易斯。卧底做得怎么样?
- A big Matthew Perry poster on the wall. 墙上一张大的马修派瑞的海报。
- Nora Perry Who knows the thoughts of a child? 谁能知道孩童的思想?